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In my view, even some educational ideas and lectures should be mentioned in any trading journals in this way as now shown. Mentioned may in this way: "Today I was proved or had learned through this source of knowledge beside any trades".
Following one example of old school learning, which Marc Faber has mentioned in one of his latest interviews, which even applies to today's situation we are in it. If no problems to the mods, I will show some links in this way to even more today's situation as education, beside other topics in this thread. Enjoy.
Milton Friedman Speaks: Money and Inflation (B1230) - Full Video
It is clear to me that "Marc Faber" is a controversial person even I worked in a company he was a finanzial advieser and even I met him there in person. But what he has to report simply cannot be swept off the table. Thus, this conversation is, also for me, a further enrichment of different aspects from which angles one may see the world.
The talk is thus only as a kind of learning for some and as a knowledge formation for others intended, if it is then at all so accepted and not the basis for a deeper discussion in this thread and forum on the topics addressed. Have fun listening:
Swiss Economist Marc Faber on Black Swans, Bad Government Policy and WEF
According to the following chart analyses, markets are in a position to a near break down, as volatility is on very low level. When it will materialize, I not can predict in a clear time frame.
But as we are in the month of December, there we should not forget about "Window Dressing", which happens every year around this time. But what is "Window Dressing" specific in this two above markets?
Methods for Window Dressing in Funds
A hedge fund manager might sell stocks that have experienced significant losses and purchase high-flying stocks near the end of the quarter or year. These securities are then reported as part of the fund's holdings, making it seem like they had been there the entire time.
When performance has been lagging, fund managers may sell stocks that have reported substantial losses and replace them with stocks expected to produce short-term gains to improve the fund's overall performance for the reporting period.
Means: At the end of year, big funds and market makers are in general interested to make people happy with an "End of the year really" to have a good performance and to make there customers happy. January will be a new month and reality has a good chance to come back with out manipulation.
"Stock market storm: Lightning or correction? Increasing inequality in the USA and its effects"
At the beginning of August, there was a violent stock market storm on Wall Street. The most important US shares fell by more than seven percent in just a few days. On the bond markets, the yields for 10-year US government bonds fell by almost half a percentage point. This raises the question of the background and, above all, what will happen next. Increasing concerns about the economy are said to be the main reason for the stock market turbulence.[ 1 ] For the economy to run, that is, for the economy to grow, mass demand is necessary. For mass demand to exist, mass incomes must rise. But if incomes increasingly flow upwards to a minority of people, then mass demand will become tight in the long term. This is exactly what now seems to be happening.