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New here
Mainly trading ES
I have used NT in the past and looking to change to SC
I have an account with AMP
I need some help on using SC
Where can I go to get tutorial on using SC
Any help is greatly appreciated
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I have changed the title of this thread from simply "Sierra Charts" to "Need Help Using Sierra Chart", to make it less broad and more clear what your situation is.
FWIW, Sierra Chart is an excellent platform, and also has one of the steepest learning curves in the industry. You may find that pushing through the documentation on the web site will work, although it is somewhat difficult also. At least it's a place to start. (This is how I did it, some time ago now.)
If anyone else can give @sellhi a hand in this task, it would be a good thing to do for a fellow trader.
Everyone who uses SC is familiar with the problem. I hope you will receive a response that helps you get where you need to be.
When one door closes, another opens.
-- Cervantes, Don Quixote
Working since ~6 weeks with Sierra now. And if you have a basic understanding of what you are doing and wat you want/need then the Sierra Chart documentation is the best place to go.
If you have a question in your head try to formulate it and search in the official Sierra Chart documentation or via Google.
The documentation and the official Sierra Chart forum is really the best place to be if you have any questions. All the questions I had the last weeks were asked in the official forums more than once. So just search for it.
I made a couple of videos about how to set up most of sierrachart parameters.... but not sure if this is going to be conaidered self promotion (though I sell nothing). Let's see what @bobwest says. If I am allowed I will post them.
I did the videos with a previous version of Sierrachart, but little has changed.
@SBtrader82, if you're not selling anything, or have any product or service or in some other way want to interest people in giving you money (that's the key, right?), then it's perfectly OK and you can freely post them here with no problem.
When one door closes, another opens.
-- Cervantes, Don Quixote
Ok, so this is an old video that I made 2 years ago to explain how to customize SierraChart. Sorry for the quality of the video, it's completely unedited but it explains quite a lot of stuff.
The version of Sierra that I used is quite "old" but the process is basically the same also in newer versions of Sierra.
Hope it helps: