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Updated December 2, 2024
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March 30th, 2023, 04:32 AM
Munich, Germany
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: NinjaTrader, TWS
Broker: IB, NinjaTrader Brokerage
Trading: ES,NQ,6E
Posts: 73 since Feb 2010
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I want to create a custom NinjaTrader Adpater connecting to api of data feed from germany.
I created the CustomConnectOptions and implemented Adapter interface.
Configuration of connection is working, but if I connect to adapter this error message is logged
"2023-03-30 08:32:05:192|0|2|My Consorsbank: Brand name is not matching. (Panic)"
Any idea how to resolve this issue?
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April 2nd, 2023, 07:39 PM
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Hard to assist without the actual code. Are you able to share?
April 3rd, 2023, 01:25 PM
Posts: 3,765 since Jun 2009
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I want to create a custom
NinjaTrader Adpater connecting to api of data feed from germany.
I created the CustomConnectOptions and implemented Adapter interface.
Configuration of connection is working, but if I connect to adapter this error message is logged
"2023-03-30 08:32:05:192|0|2|My Consorsbank: Brand name is not matching. (Panic)"
Any idea how to resolve this issue?
Hard to say without the source code, but do you have a public override string BrandName => "Consorsbank"; in your ConsorsbankAdapaterOptions.cs ?
Still, writing an adapter from scratch is tricky, it's much simpler to use the External adapter (but unfortunately no the level 2 ), and if the level 2 is required created a back-end using a supported connector which has a known API (IB or IQFeed for example).
Success requires no deodorant! (Sun Tzu)
April 6th, 2023, 03:31 PM
Munich, Germany
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Broker: IB, NinjaTrader Brokerage
Trading: ES,NQ,6E
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attached source file for options and skeleton of adapter
you can use pem file in TestCCN.zip for credentials in options dialog
Attached Files
Elite Membership required to download: AdapterCCN.zip
Elite Membership required to download: TestCCN.zip
May 15th, 2023, 12:03 AM
Austin, TX
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@decs0057 were you able to resolve the issue?
May 16th, 2023, 12:00 AM
Austin, TX
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: NinjaTrader, MetaTrader
Trading: Forex, Futures
Posts: 5 since Mar 2017
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@sam028 here's a connection adapter, I've been trying to get to connect but I keep getting the same error, below is my error log. Any suggestion/recommendation is very much welcomed.
cc: @jeronymite
Thank you
2023-05-15 21:22:57:919 (My Custom15) Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnect
2023-05-15 21:22:57:935 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect0: status=Disconnected assembly= date=2023-05-15 runAsProcess=False
2023-05-15 21:22:57:950 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.ConnectionStatusCallback: status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected previousPriceStatus=Disconnected errorCode=NoError nativeError=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:953 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: Custom15 status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected previousPriceStatus=Disconnected errorCode=NoError nativeError=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:965 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect1
2023-05-15 21:22:57:978 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect2
2023-05-15 21:22:57:978 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect3
2023-05-15 21:22:57:982 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.CreateAccount: account='Sim101' displayName='Sim101' fcm='' denomination=UsDollar forexLotSize=10000
2023-05-15 21:22:57:988 (My Custom15) Cbi.Account.OnConnectionStatus: account='Sim101' fcm='' status=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected message=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:989 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus.DispatcherInvoke: Custom15 status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected previousPriceStatus=Disconnected errorCode=NoError nativeError=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:991 (My Custom15) Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus.Adding: provider=Custom15 status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting
2023-05-15 21:22:57:991 (My Custom15) Cbi.Account.OnConnectionStatus.PositionExecutions: account='Sim101'
2023-05-15 21:22:58:012 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect4
2023-05-15 21:22:58:341 NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: foundPriceLoss=False foundTradeLoss=False foundConnectingStatus=True foundConnected=False
2023-05-15 21:22:58:342 NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: Status=Connecting
2023-05-15 21:22:58:430 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.ConnectionStatusCallback: status=Disconnected priceStatus=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting previousPriceStatus=Connecting errorCode=Panic nativeError='Brand name is not matching.'
2023-05-15 21:22:58:430 (My Custom15) Core.Connection.Statistics: connectAttempts=1/0.0ms
2023-05-15 21:22:58:432 (My Custom15) Cbi.Account.OnConnectionStatus: account='Sim101' fcm='' status=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting message=''
2023-05-15 21:22:58:434 Flushing DB thread
2023-05-15 21:22:58:435 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: Custom15 status=Disconnected priceStatus=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting previousPriceStatus=Connecting errorCode=Panic nativeError='Brand name is not matching.'
2023-05-15 21:22:58:436 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus.DispatcherInvoke: Custom15 status=Disconnected priceStatus=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting previousPriceStatus=Connecting errorCode=Panic nativeError='Brand name is not matching.'
Attached Files
Elite Membership required to download: MTAdapter.zip
May 19th, 2023, 05:42 PM
Posts: 3,765 since Jun 2009
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Check my previous reply (post #3).
Still, for a Metatrader connect you should use the External connector, it's documented and super easy to deal with.
sam028 here's a connection adapter, I've been trying to get to connect but I keep getting the same error, below is my error log. Any suggestion/recommendation is very much welcomed.
cc: @
Thank you
2023-05-15 21:22:57:919 (My Custom15) Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnect
2023-05-15 21:22:57:935 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect0: status=Disconnected assembly= date=2023-05-15 runAsProcess=False
2023-05-15 21:22:57:950 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.ConnectionStatusCallback: status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected previousPriceStatus=Disconnected errorCode=NoError nativeError=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:953 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: Custom15 status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected previousPriceStatus=Disconnected errorCode=NoError nativeError=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:965 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect1
2023-05-15 21:22:57:978 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect2
2023-05-15 21:22:57:978 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect3
2023-05-15 21:22:57:982 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.CreateAccount: account='Sim101' displayName='Sim101' fcm='' denomination=UsDollar forexLotSize=10000
2023-05-15 21:22:57:988 (My Custom15) Cbi.Account.OnConnectionStatus: account='Sim101' fcm='' status=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected message=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:989 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus.DispatcherInvoke: Custom15 status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting previousStatus=Disconnected previousPriceStatus=Disconnected errorCode=NoError nativeError=''
2023-05-15 21:22:57:991 (My Custom15) Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus.Adding: provider=Custom15 status=Connecting priceStatus=Connecting
2023-05-15 21:22:57:991 (My Custom15) Cbi.Account.OnConnectionStatus.PositionExecutions: account='Sim101'
2023-05-15 21:22:58:012 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.Connect4
2023-05-15 21:22:58:341 NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: foundPriceLoss=False foundTradeLoss=False foundConnectingStatus=True foundConnected=False
2023-05-15 21:22:58:342 NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: Status=Connecting
2023-05-15 21:22:58:430 (My Custom15) Cbi.Connection.ConnectionStatusCallback: status=Disconnected priceStatus=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting previousPriceStatus=Connecting errorCode=Panic nativeError='Brand name is not matching.'
2023-05-15 21:22:58:430 (My Custom15) Core.Connection.Statistics: connectAttempts=1/0.0ms
2023-05-15 21:22:58:432 (My Custom15) Cbi.Account.OnConnectionStatus: account='Sim101' fcm='' status=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting message=''
2023-05-15 21:22:58:434 Flushing DB thread
2023-05-15 21:22:58:435 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus: Custom15 status=Disconnected priceStatus=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting previousPriceStatus=Connecting errorCode=Panic nativeError='Brand name is not matching.'
2023-05-15 21:22:58:436 (My Custom15) NinjaTrader.Gui.ControlCenter.OnConnectionStatus.DispatcherInvoke: Custom15 status=Disconnected priceStatus=Disconnected previousStatus=Connecting previousPriceStatus=Connecting errorCode=Panic nativeError='Brand name is not matching.'
Success requires no deodorant! (Sun Tzu)
December 2nd, 2024, 04:54 AM
Munich, Germany
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: NinjaTrader, TWS
Broker: IB, NinjaTrader Brokerage
Trading: ES,NQ,6E
Posts: 73 since Feb 2010
Thanks Given: 15
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decs0057 were you able to resolve the issue?
I resolved issue with attached base class ConnectOptionsKH.
See example how to us it in ConnectOptionsYahooKH
Attached Files
Elite Membership required to download: ConnectOptionsKH.cs
Elite Membership required to download: ConnectOptionsYahooKH.cs
December 2nd, 2024, 05:02 AM
Munich, Germany
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: NinjaTrader, TWS
Broker: IB, NinjaTrader Brokerage
Trading: ES,NQ,6E
Posts: 73 since Feb 2010
Thanks Given: 15
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Does anyone have an example of a back-end adapter that uses supported IB API connector?
Last Updated on December 2, 2024