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according to people market tops are often less clean than market bottoms
this means that we should not overrate the two sided behaviour
value was clean lower
the breakout is intact by fact
i would see change not before acceptance above the breakout point (turquoise box)
a good short trade should have
-a prior covering move and
-a clear fail of that covering move
we had ppi this morning
1500 feds williams
bank earnings tomorrow pre market
Condition 1
we were otf down
yesterday we saw covering
Condition 0 gap up
nearly all eth is ubove y high
if there are any sellers they seem to have no urgency
if this does not change i am no more interested in thinking short
if we stay above y high there could be more covering
maybe one time the buyers come back if they think that the pullback on the daily is over
take it tick by tick
Indecisive Market
the market has no clear path
it seems to go in one direction only to retrace massively
i think it is driven by short term traders/algos at the moment which f**** each other
position, covering, position, liquidation
anticipation of moves makes no sense in this environment
wait for an established situation and only scalp the first pullback