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I am currently programming and back testing Tick Bars in Ninja Trading 8 in search for an algo I can trade with Edge for the ES and NQ market.
1. I am only able to back test for 1 year (2022-2023) to validate trading systems ideas. This is not enough for me to gain trust in the algo. Unfortunately, NinjaTrader only provides one year of tick data.
1. Does anyone have an tick data for ES and NQ in NT8 that goes back past 2022 that I can PLEASE PLEASE have? I will even paypal you some cash as well for your time and effort.
Please check your NT8 computer in the path below. Open the folder and see if you have tick data for the contract years 2018 to present.
C:\\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\db\tick
Please let me know if you can help me please
Thank you so much.
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There is Market Replay data in the downloads section of this site for the ES, which goes back to 2019, but in order to get tick data you'd probably need to play it (I can't actually remember).
Faililng that there's marketreplaydata.com which lets you download any market replay data for 8.95/month. Again, you'd need to check whether it's replay data only or tick data too.
Did you ever find a solution? I am also interested for NQ, ES but cannot find a good source. I have downloaded with theintentionaltrader.com but it does not give me the data within C:\\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\db\tick. I also have seen that the Elite Member area of this site seems to have some sort of data but cannot verify if it is what I need, which seems to be what you are also looking for.