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I think it is good to look for and identify patterns, but as Trailer Guy posted in my thread they are not the holy grail and additional context is needed.
And for me it is hard to wait for them to set up. Sometimes even if I'm paying attention to the chart patterns form at good areas and a few bars later I see them and say "how did I miss that." lol
Anyway don't take what I say as advice, I don't have the experience. I'm just commenting on what I'm seeing and doing at my stage of the journey.
I only just recently discovered this pattern and I do see it repeat often. Now that I am able to devote more time to watching daily PA, I will be looking for consistencies and patterns, where the PA turns, where it is likely to go.
Pretty sure you are not alone in that regard, lately for me I get distracted by something, leave for a few minutes, come back and find that I missed some realy good trades. But on the other hand, I'll sit here for hours and not see anything. LOL
I would venture to say most people here in the forums are in the same boat, struggling retail traders, myself included.
I agree with you in fact that's the whole boat ... the amount of retail traders that have a 10 year 5 year profitable track record is so much smaller than most people think. Lol great point!
End of day summary: Tough day of trading, going from 2 months of SIM trading then Live trading makes placing a trade hard. I hesitated so many times today during the time that I traded today, overall successful day with 2 trades. My first trade was a success +5 ticks, second trade successful +11 ticks for a total of 4 points.
Goal for the day: Two trades and stop, win or lose, look for multiple reasons to enter trades.
End of day summary: Finished with trading early today, two successful trades.
First trade once again I hesitated on entry. Reason for taken the first trade, M pattern completed with a break of the trend line. Several retracements back to the retracement area. Expecting PA to reach larger M pattern resistance area. +5 ticks
Second trade, similar to 1st trade but with a better entry, after a break of trend line and return to Retracement area, neutral candle at trend line, 3 large empty CS to fill. +8 ticks.
Final thoughts: 2nd trade could have been a large runner had I not taken so much so early. Need to work getting more out of a trade.