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Lesson Learned: Today once again I traded poorly but was able to resist from moving stop and taking a beating. However, I took a beating with my trades putting my evaluation account in liquidation.
I will reset the account and trade keeping in mind, like another here mentioned, this is a difficult time to trade.
Pat on the back, 2-days of not moving stops, maybe hope for me!
Goal: Didn't set any goal today, was only positive about trading hoping to make a few good trades.
My chart somehow got deleted while trading near the end of my trading today so I had to redraw lines.
Lesson Learned:
Like every trade this month my first trade was a loss. Very hard to stay motivated when this happens. Was able to have 3 good consecutive trade then 4 losing trades, one being breakeven.
Mindset I need to fight, which I struggle with. I can't get passed the fact that the World is close to WW3, total unknown before January 20 and the market reacts like everything is wonderful. Trade what I see not what I think!
Overall I got frustrated today and let one of my Stops go beyond the prior candle or 10 ticks. Will see what tomorrow bring.
Out of shear frustration along with a feeling of no normalcy in the market, I decided to on my last trade to move my stop beyond logical thinking and breaking my promise of not taking more than an 8-10 point stop loss. I was anticipating a second leg down, but price action instantly turned against, breaking resistance and I felt a stop hunt coming, again! I set my stop thinking it would turn back in my favor or take me out. I left for breakfast, and you know the rest of the story.
Historically I average around a 60%-win ratio, but this month averaging 25-30% win ratio. I started this journal to help me stay accountable with keeping stops from liquidating my accounts. For the majority of the trades, I was successful not moving the stops. I am going to take the rest of the year off from trading, much needed after 1 year straight of day trading. I'll do some studying and pick back up first of next year.
I had planned to give myself a break from trading until the start of the new year but only after a few days away I jumped back in, am I addicted or am I just determined to succeed?
I traded poorly for the month of November; in hindsight I would say it could have been caused by but not necessarily, I had a major surgery scheduled for the 14th of that month. I realize now that for two weeks after that surgery, I traded my worst that I could recall 25-30%. It has now been 7 weeks since the surgery and since then, I have purchased and passed an Apex $50K Evaluation.
What I have learned and what it has taken to pass that evaluation. I have learned that the more time spent in front of the chart trading, the more I can't see clearly what PA is telling me and the more losses I take. I have determined what dollar amount I want to achieve each day and when I acquire that amount, I am out for the day. If I finish early, I will switch to simulated trading for a while just to keep up with how PA reacts to my drawn support/resistance levels.
As far as not moving my ATM stops, I have done a lot better. My patients is better before entering a trade, then profiting off the continuation of the move. At this point in my trading, I feel that scalping a couple points is the only sure solution to being profitable. In other words, take what the market will give you. If I become consistent, I will purchase and begin to use a trade copier to enhance the income, but not by looking for bigger moves in the market.