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yes for sure, but you can also set your PT/SL after you entered your trade, I know there are lot things on the wish-list, so it would be smart to discuss this in der TopstepX Channel. I'm not a fan of this platform, but it seems they develop it and add new features, but the platform is relatively new and for sure becomes better and better
This doesn't help, if you're not in front of the screen when the limit order gets triggered. I have now passed one 50k combine. I'll start four more combines, but definitely not with topstepx then.
So question to the community: which platform would you then recommend for topstep? I have only experience with Metatrader and Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation so far.
I do mostly scalping, especially on the one minute chart, so far. Pure price action with little to no technical analysis, often news trading and always heavilly based on intuition out of many hours of observing the chart.
So basically I still regard myself as more of an "advanced beginner", because I haven't used the DOM so far and admittedly pay seldom regard to volume. I definitely want to change this. Volume, DOM, Order Flow, TPO...these are tools I want to use in the future.
I know that sierra chart seems to be one of the best. It's reasonably priced but has a steep learning curve, especially considering that I have only basic experience with MT and TWS, restricted to my above mentioned very simple trading style. Maybe too complicated for me at my current stage?
Quantower should be easier, though I don't know how useful it is in it's free version and 70$/month for the unrestricted version it's quite pricey. Ninjatrader has a huge user community, but I've read many comments that it cannot match up to Quantower in many aspects.
So bite the bullet and go straightaway for sierra charts? Or better first start with something like Quantower or...?
If you are planning to move to trade DOM, have a look at https://www.jigsawtrading.com/ product. it is another alternative to SC, and it is easier to work with. Support is good as well.