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I have been working on several projects to get more utility out of all that ninjatrader offers.
I am not a programmer at all but I know my way around enough to make changes and get features I want for several concepts important to my trading. An obstacle I continue to run into is when it comes to higher timeframe key levels such as quarterly and yearly. I've been able to get far enough that I made indicators that can plot on a chart or track and alert plots in market analyzer for any number of days, weeks, months worth of OHLC levels desired. However the hiccup comes when I want to include any of those in a strategy I get errors, mostly seems due to "initializing" something or other.
I would be happy to share all of the indicators I have created / modified but haven't yet figured out how to contribute them.
In the meantime though my current project is having a current year indicator that plots the OHLM (median) levels for the year on the chart. I have successfully created indicators for prior years but for current year I have only had luck getting this accomplished with a strategy that must be enabled.
There is extreme trading advantage when you can be alerted that a product you trade has tested a yearly level. If you trade a handful o
f products you would be amazed how often this happens, usually a handful of times per week and offers several trade setups for various trading styles.
If anyone is interested in helping out I would be much appreciated and more than happy to share how I leverage these levels for trade ideas as well. I've included the zip file for the current year OHLM (strategy) in this post and the goal is to get this converted into an indicator, preferably one that will work with strategies but at a minimum one that I can use with market analyzer columns and alerts.