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Maybe I shouldn't post here, without anything helpful to impart at all (apologies in advance!) but whenever I see this issue raised I can never quite satisfy my curiosity about why people want to trade 20 accounts. I'm missing something, because I can never understand the advantages (though the disadvantages are all too easy for me to imagine).
Call me a miserable old sour-guts if you want, but if I were putting up money to fund people to trade (or pretending to, or whatever these "prop firms" are doing), I'd instinctively be very, very wary indeed of people wanting to trade 20 accounts, and I wouldn't want them, in general.
More specifically, I'd worry that they might be trying something like "gambling news trades" simultaneously in different directions, hoping to hit a jackpot with one account while "blowing" another. I know that won't really be your reason for wanting to trade 20 accounts, but I'm still curious: if you don't mind, what is the reason?
I still don't really get it, to be honest. If you're doing the same trade, at the same time, in 20 accounts, why not just have one much bigger account to start with? What is it you're doing with 20 small accounts that's different from what you could do with one much bigger one
How am I gonna have my own capital to start with, if I intend to trade as many contracts to begin with?
That's where the prop firms come in handy - build my accounts - checkout my own capital - then make up my personal account to trade.
It can never be vice versa. At least for me.
It's like I have confidence I can trade 20 contracts, but to reach there will definitely take time. So why not make use of a prop firm for best benefit to trade straight to 20 contracts instead?
With ATF, if you use a 250k account you can trade with 27 contracts, but you can withdraw 3k. If you trade 20 accounts of 50k, you can withdraw 20k, it makes difference
Big Money, has always reason, doesn't matter if they lose or win...
Lately, there are a lot of controversies with Apex, i.e. payout refusals, change of rules overnight, video proof of trades, etc. (They also shut down their D.... platform where traders used to ask questions).
Not meant to bump this, but, is there any other competitor of Apex who still offers 20 accounts?