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I found a channel on Youtube that puts out a solid strategy (Majority) information and teaching. I do not have any affiliation with this channel besides the fact that I trade his way and have gotten much better results. I am still not profitable but have gotten much better results than any other system or teachings that I ahve tried 3 years in. There is a library of over 100 video's and there is no cost and no selling anyhting (actually he does have a indicator suite for $200) but you dont need to buy it. I did because its like 60 indicators within one suite for that cost, but he explains the concepts without the suite of indicators and constantly says you dont need them. So its free and I have gotten much better results since starting to follow his teachings. This is the channel on you tube "Futures Trading" and his name is David, he does not put any new content out but the library is fluid. Here is a screen shot of his style of trading:
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You have to be more specific with the channel name my friend. There are like thousand channels that have similar name. Also, can you share some of the methods that you found helpful.