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No, I am not interested AND I think it is quickly becoming a scourge of society.
Ignoring the impact on people/society, I don't understand how anybody can look at the sport betting odds and think they have any chance of winning. The odds are so skewed to the house it's ridiculous.
No, and not interested. I have family members where gambling is part of “family time” and they discuss the benefits of martingale and they are simply waiting for the one big win.
"Opportunity comes often. It knocks as often as you have a trained ear to hear it, an eye trained to see it, a hand trained to grasp it, and a head trained to use it." -Anonymous
I agree sports betting is a losing proposition except for the bookie................. Horse Racing is more doable if you have a good wagering system with a decent handicapping / computer system. Most important is that you have discipline and you can do well....... Both Trading and horse racing are similar and teach you about yourself and how you operate in life..............overcome your demon's
I enjoy it and play regularly, but only very small bets and never expecting to hit it big. Its just for fun and enhances the games.
Some people feel trading is gambling.
No, not interested. I have friends who live in states where online gambling is still illegal (I believe there are 10 in the US) and I occasionally place bets for them. These guys are pretty serious. I don't know their long term success rate but they've had some big scores. Probably big losses too. I don't have an app but I live near a bunch of casinos and sometimes stop by for them.
I don't even gamble much anymore when I go to Las Vegas. I used to play craps a lot but not as much. Maybe for a couple hours a trip. It's fun if you're winning, it sucks if you're losing. No in between.
I believe if you do your homework you can find edges in sports betting. I've heard basketball in particular is good for that. Jeopardy James, the guy who won Jeopardy for three months straight, he was a respected sports bettor in Vegas. I think he used his gambling skills and applied them to the game show and that's how he was so dominant, hunting out the daily doubles and things like that.
But I've heard also that if you're good the books won't take your action. No surprise there.
If you want to do live sports betting, the place to go is Circa in Las Vegas. Their sports book is nice.
Not interested. My father was a bookie, as a teenager I was taught how to destroy the rice paper that the bets were logged on too. He would tell me this guy was a doctor or that guy was a lawyer,etc. They would win 12k one weekend and lose 60k the next. Gambling is definitely a disease, imo.