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I discovered sierra as a tool with extraordinary possibilities , so it seemes. Problem is that the documentation is overwhelming.
I'm looking for the possibility to make any trading decisions as move stops , set breakeven to etc with hotkeys ,
found the acs button functionality , but am not able to set them in the right way.
Maybe someone can help with a step by step explanation how to do this?
Thanks a lot.
I tried the Sierra Chart keyboard shortcuts and ACS buttons, but quickly decided to try one of my long-time favorite tools -- AutoHotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/). Like any tool, AutoHotkey has a learning curve, but I have used it to solve little problems/inefficiencies on my Windows machines for many years.
I have the code you see below saved as a .ahk file in the Startup folder on my Windows machine (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup). This enables my SC hotkeys to be loaded and ready at all times. The code is pretty brief,and you'll need to configure the hotkeys in SC to correspond to the keystrokes sent by AHK (I use F13 thru F16). See the SC documentation for more.
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