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I am trying to replicate the cumulative sum study @Big Mike used to use on his Sierra Chart setup to get Cumulative TICK for the week. I have asked him he said he no longer uses Sierra Chart so asking here. Was also told to tag @aslan
I know to get ctick / cumulative tick on a daily basis I use the Cumulative Sum of Study and set the option to Reset at Start of Trading Day to "Yes". All good.
I can't seem to find anything that would "Reset at Start of Trading Week" so it starts summing from 0 every Sunday night or whenever the week opens. I know it is possible as @Big Mike had cum tick starting at zero on his chart every start of week. It would sum till end of week then start at 0 again at the new week.
Anyone that can guide me much appreciated (I have asked Sierra but going round in circles a bit there).
Have a great week!
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You could do it with the Spreadsheet Formula study, with a formula like this in its Formula field:
where ID1.SG1 is the study and subgraph to cumulatively sum, and ID9 is this Spreadsheet Formula study.
This will begin the cumulative summation every Sunday at 18:00.