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I am looking for a basic pivot points indicator for Multicharts Power language. I need to see daily, weekly and monthly pivots points on intra day charts.
I have one that works perfectly on Tradestation, unfortunately it is not compatible at all with Power language.
Thank you all!
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Do you get an error when you attempt to compile the code from TradeStation?
"Opportunity comes often. It knocks as often as you have a trained ear to hear it, an eye trained to see it, a hand trained to grasp it, and a head trained to use it." -Anonymous
Sorry to get your hopes up but I was not able to compile it in Multicharts due to my lack of programming knowledge. I was thinking it was a standard indicator that just needed minor changes but nope, this is a crazy indicator. It is strange as if it is using the object orientated and easy language both.
"Opportunity comes often. It knocks as often as you have a trained ear to hear it, an eye trained to see it, a hand trained to grasp it, and a head trained to use it." -Anonymous
I just downloaded it and it did not compile either.
First question. On your inputs, you have a "[" followed by DisplayName etc... Is that commentary? If so, you should use "{" instead of "[". Let me know what you are trying to do there.
This code works well on Tradestation. I was never able to make it work on Multicharts. I think Easylanguage now contains to many objects and variables to make it compatible with Power language, which is more the old Easylanguage style. Just my opinion, as I am so bad at coding. You can remove the [ ], that will still not compile.