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Perhaps the biggest authority on COT trading is Larry Williams who was the first to start the COT trading subject in 1970's and still on top of it. I have followed him since 1978 and have read his major books. He is one of the most informed and well respected futures trading gurus alive with his material all over the media. Here is where to start:
I have read most of the books that are available in German. Have you been successful with the COP data?
Times are changing... see the "Turtle Traders" there are very quick ways to get information. The prices react very quickly and are becoming more and more effective. What is your strategy?
True, technology has changed, It all depends on your trading objectives, whether to use COT trading or not. Traditionally, the producers (sellers) and processing and packaging companies (buyers) of commodities, to guarantee future pricing and availability of their product, may be still using COT data for futures trading. Because COT trading is more seasonality dependent, it is probably not really suitable for day trading or even swing trading, but definitely OK for seasonality and investment trading.
Back in 1980's I used to trade Live Cattle and Soybean futures and futures options with commissions of $175 and higher per trade through brokers without any of today's online information. I had to maintain positions hoping for seasonality effects and major changes in supply and demand before cashing in and profit or jumping out. I never went back after the advent of internet, availability of live data, and the Forex.
In today’s markets commissions and fees have dropped to virtually nothing and you are competing with HFT machines that trade many contracts in a small fraction of a second. There are hell of a lot more better opportunities today with extreme liquidity and almost non-existent Bid/Ask differences. Trading SP500 futures products many times during the day with virtually minimal cost does not need COT system. COT systems may have worked in the past, but I would let Joe the farmer, the bakers, and the butchers carry the COT trading torch.
After over 46 trading, I am taking it easy and trade high probability opportunities in equities, futures and options. See my active thread Here:
The concept of coloring bars is nothing new and everyone does it for certain filters. However, the idea for using gradient color bars to spot price divergence may not be new, but has gone un-noticed by many.