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Recently was informed about the use of stock market index data ($TICKS). Looks like it may be worth looking into, but I have not been able to find anything recent here on this or is it available with the NT platform. Can someone enlighten me on this, has it been helpful or is it just another historical, really doesn't help much indicator. Thanks in advance.
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Many thanks, I did locate the TICK chart but thinking the data comes from Level2. The chart after loading has a warning, "Instruments not subscribed for real time data have been detected and will have a 10-minute delay...".
For real-time data (RTH only) you need to subscribe to "Dow Jones & Key Indices" ($8 per month) via NT Account dashboard > Settings > Plans > Market Data > Update Subscription > Customize Data Subscription > Select "Dow Jones & Key Indices" > Proceed to Checkout.