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Is there a tool that can kill a trade in NT8 without sending the trade to the exchange to be closed?
When copy trading in NT8, Ghost trades appear even though the trades are closed on Rithmic. If you then close the Ghost trade, it sends an "opposite" order to the exchange which then open a new unwanted trade.
One way is to disconnect Rithmic, but I am now having to do this many times a day.
NT8 are aware of this but is absolutely unwilling to fix it.
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
Hi - Thank you - I do use the Follower Guard but that doesn't work because NT8 is not reporting back that there is a difference between what Rithmic is reporting and what NT8 is reporting as Open/Clsoed trades.
Depending on how exactly you use Replikanto in practice, the ATM Copy feature may be a good solution.
From the description: "The quantity of the contract combined with all the exit orders will have the quantity of the open position guaranteed by the ATM strategy, and you will no longer be left with an uncovered position, which can happen if you don’t use this feature."
I post this just in case someone missed this feature.