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How much should be expected from a Developer

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  #11 (permalink)
 Trembling Hand 
Melbourne, Land of Oz
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tr8d3r View Post
In this time I learned one thing: Do not expect anything from the dev and be super precise what you are asking.

The request should be in clear define statements captured in a small sentence that not allowing developer to take a step left or right.

It is also helps you to test because you can put a tick if test is fail you asked why this statement is not delivered.

When you do it this way, you know you are going to get what you've asked for without any blond moments.

This is the key. I do contract dev work in this field. I've done stuff from small indicator/strategy, third party product providers out to large quant teams.

The lack of clean defined scope of work is always the cause of problems. I don't really do it anymore but the amount of times people would approach you with "can you make this strategy. It just a simple XYZ" and assume you can read their mind about the full list of work was always a red flag. A lot of time I think people don't give details hoping to get a low quote other are just completely oblivious to the development process and coding. Then expect magic to happen.

Clear and full scope = easy target to aim at.

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Last Updated on February 2, 2025

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