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I’m referring to a breakout from balance after an inside day. An inside day is where the trading range for the whole session is within the prior days trading range, hence the term “inside day”, because the days range is literally inside the prior days range. This is viewed by many to be a balancing within the auction. After an inside day, any initiative activity outside the value area(the middle 70% of the range, centered at the POC) is considered a breakout from value, or breakout from balance. Usually when this breakout from balance occurs after an inside day, the auction moves quickly once price advertises outside of the previous days balance area. Most of the time price discovery moves towards a naked POC from a prior session, or a prior established value area. Hope this helps to clear up what I was originally saying. I know it was a little vague at first, just saying “breakout from balance after an Inside day works well for soybeans”.