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In this case value0 is a placeholder, it does nothing but facilitate the call to the function. The function then replaces your local variables 'MAMA' and 'FAMA' with a result set from the function.
this thread contains all the code you need to compile the strategy within your Tradestation platform.
First you should create the function called Mama_Fama.
Then you can create a signal with a name of your choice. Use the code @Big Mike quoted in his post here and also make sure to include the function as he advised gpw797 to do.
This should give you a strategy that compiles and displays entries on the chart.
does someone still use this strategy, an have an ELD file from it?
this thread contains all the code you need to compile the strategy within your Tradestation platform.
First you should create the function called Mama_Fama.
Then you can create a signal with a name of your choice. Use the code @Big Mike quoted in his post here and also make sure to include the function as he advised gpw797 to do.
This should give you a strategy that compiles and displays entries on the chart.
Thankx ABCTG
Yepp, I tried, but keep getting errors when verifying.
Have to say I'm not so good with easylanguage
the code trades based on the MAMA FAMA relation. When do you want the strategy to buy and when should it sell short?
If you think it only does the opposite, then change the entry condition. Instead of checking for "If FAMA > MAMA then" for a buy change it to "If FAMA < MAMA then". Do the same for the short entry and you have the entry logic reversed.
Ok the like here worked to verify, but it dosnt really buys and sells when my mama lines crosses