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Their claim will cause entire pages of the thread to be removed, including reviews with no mention of any copyrighted works.
They never contacted our DMCA team. We do not tolerate copyrighted material being shared. They have not listed specific posts but instead entire pages.
We will review and prepare our response.
In the meantime, if you see any copyrighted content in this thread, please either a) Use the report post tool so we can review the post and take action, or b) Email [email protected] with links to the exact post(s).
Re: DMCA Takedown Notice Regarding Top Dog Trader Discussion Thread
Dear Top Dog Trader,
This letter is in response to your DMCA takedown notice received on December 30 2024 regarding content on NexusFi's forum discussion thread about Top Dog Trader.
We note that this takedown notice was improperly submitted through Google rather than through our designated DMCA agent contact address: [email protected]. This email address is publicly available and is the proper channel for all DMCA-related communications.
While we take copyright infringement claims seriously and maintain a zero-tolerance policy regarding unauthorized sharing of copyrighted materials, we find your current takedown notice to be incomplete under DMCA requirements. Specifically:
1. The notice fails to identify the specific allegedly infringing content within the thread URLs provided. Under 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3)(A)(iii), a valid DMCA takedown notice must identify the specific copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed and provide sufficient information to locate the material.
2. Broad URL citations to entire discussion threads, without identifying specific posts containing allegedly infringing content, do not meet this requirement.
3. Our preliminary review of the cited threads reveals they contain user reviews and discussions, which are protected under fair use doctrine and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. § 230).
As an interactive computer service provider, NexusFi is protected under Section 230(c)(1) of the Communications Decency Act, which states that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."
For future reference, all DMCA notices must be submitted directly to [email protected]. To properly process your request, we require:
1. Specific URLs or post IDs of the allegedly infringing content
2. Clear identification of the copyrighted work being infringed
3. A detailed explanation of how the specific content infringes upon your copyright
Upon receipt of a properly detailed DMCA notice, we will promptly:
1. Review the specified content
2. Contact the content author for their input
3. Take appropriate action if copyright infringement is verified
We remain committed to protecting intellectual property rights while also ensuring due process and protecting legitimate user discussions and reviews.
Please submit a revised DMCA notice with the required specificity, and we will address your concerns promptly.
This response is without prejudice to any of our rights, all of which are expressly reserved.
Again, if anyone is aware of copyright content within this thread, please report it to us through proper channels of a) Report Post tool, or b) [email protected] with the direct link to the post(s) so we can take action.
I have noticed in the last few months , post showing up on vendor review threads that have been quiet for several years . The post are generally glowing from a past customer . When i challenged the reviews the posters had reactions unlike a normal member . I think trading course and software sales have dried up and a clean up on isle 6 is well underway . Burns has been selling his courses and software for over 25 years , the reviews across all trading forums on his work is very bad . The reviews on this forum have saved new traders millions from dishonest trading vendors . Big Mike if you are reading this , never give in to pressure on free speech .