Norwich, UK
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: Multiple:research&executi
Broker: Started with Stage5/OEC ... multiple
Trading: Anything found profitable goes ...
Posts: 173 since Jul 2012
Thanks Given: 88
Thanks Received: 88
Hi All,
Cannot see a dedicated section for IB, is IB still around/popular among this community?
It happens I use IB Gateway 10.19.2, which is set up to Restart daily (no other option in settings!). It works for a number of days, until a username / pass is required at some point ... and if you're not around, tough luck.
Anyone still using IB Gateway (or any other IB software to hook it up with Multicharts / Ninja, for order execution, and how did you get over the (semi-)daily login / restart requirement?
It does feel a bit too excessive (weekly might be more acceptable, but daily ... it tells you a bit of how much confidence IB has in their own software, or what other reasons could there be to enforce such a behavior ... )