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Big Mike's Avatar
 Big Mike 
Manta, Ecuador
Site Administrator
Swing Trader
Experience: Advanced
Platform: Custom solution
Broker: IBKR
Trading: Stocks & Futures
Frequency: Every few days
Duration: Weeks
Posts: 50,672 since Jun 2009
Thanks Given: 33,404
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Hi everyone!

Like most day traders, I blew up my account a couple times and lost enough money to make most grown men weep. After I regrouped I started trading with common sense and with control of my emotions.

Later, I decided I wanted a forum to share my ideas as well as learn from others. I created my blog on April 17th, 2009 in order to meet this goal, as well as hold myself accountable for my trades and actions. I wanted a way to be able to lookback and ensure I was following my own advice.

The blog introduced me to a lot of fellow traders, some struggling, some doing exceptionally well. Talking with them everyday has really helped my trading and given me a lot of new ideas as well. In turn, I hope that I have provided them something useful that helps in their trading.

Since the blog did very well I decided to create this forum, and it was born June 11th, 2009. The forum was designed with the specific goal of having a small community of traders focused on making money. There are other sites out there but I never really felt at home with many of them, their userbase is too focused on proving someone wrong instead of trying to help.

You can find some more information about me in my profile.


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Dahrad, dajewa, Dakrys, daksh, dalemissen, dalmate, daltxdude, dalydir, damjan, Damus85, dan2020, danalec, DanDaMan, dandan, dandre, dandreu, Danesar, Danferr, DanielMinkov, DanielX, danimated, daniski, Danivo7, danny711, dannyinhouston, Danox, Dansker, dante, Dante8, Dantheman, danvari, dany, DanyBernfield, daovanduc, Dario, dario1, dariuszszyc, Dark Punk, darkhorse, darkknight3, darkmoon47, darko232, Darranfarm, DarrenEyes, DarwinWasRight, Dash Muffinz, datascientist, datawench, datgrog, dave1234, dave741, dave8, DaveTrade, david1, David724, davidbios, davidepalmer01, DavidMc, DaviDMiller21, davidoff99, DavidRizzo, davidusn, David_R, Davie, Davis72, davisondarocha, Dax30, DaxSkalpr, daxtrader, dayakar, Daydreamer, Daytrad, Daytrader50, daytradermari, DayTrading, Daz66, Dazza11, dazzlejwls, DB333, DBCooper, DBraun126, dchendrixson, DCSaba, DCtrader, ddeese01, ddkk, ddmoney, Dead cat bounce, deana, DeanG, deanza, death row, deathforcee, debrink, declaime, dedalus, deelish, deepvalue, degmat, Delevon11, Dellboy, deluxe67, demleitner, demons, Den Jhana, denby, dennube, Deoa17, dep169, Der echte Kaiser, derfrostie, derspiegel, Dervakon, deska, Desmin, Desmond112358, deunich, dev007, Developer, devendarkkul, df11, dgoes, dhamuark, dhaygood73, dhch, diableman, diabloooo, Diane23, diaz447, Diesch, Dieseljack, Dieterm, digdoug78, digedag, Dimbo7, dimitri, dimpydimpy, dingram313, dir5029, DisciplineEF, Discotrader, disease, dito042, dizzwave, DJBurton, djdowney, djporter91, dk99, dkdouglas, dksway, DKTrader, dkurly, DLA8, DLMM8, dlorentz, DLV2015, Dmarc, dmax, dmeachy, DMec86, DmitryMitev, dmmilk, dmorana, DMPippin, dmwangi16, DmytroF, docparsons, DoctorGM, dogajunk, DogHermit, dojimorningstar, dojirock, Dojo trader, doktormabuse, Dolfin, domenicl, dominionfx, dominipip, DONIZETE, donjaneiro, Donnellrhino, DonTon1973, Dorit, double1984, dow60, Downtrodden, DOZ98, dprvr, DR650, Draconius, draconx, DragonFall, Dragonflybuystoks, drakephoenix, drbones89, drclohite, DRDR, 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ffugui, Fibbee, fibonut, fifa2077, fiji919, filippoeffe, FillBill, Finan, FinanceStudent, fingertrigger, finom1, Firestone, fitter, fitzcarraldo, Flag, FlamingoMarty, Flash0077, flashman, Flatstrap, flerisk, Florentins, Florian, FloridaLaureen, flowlikeyogi, floydw, flute29, Fly19A, FlyingMonkey, FlyingRedbeet, Flynance, flyswatter77, FMGomez, focus912, Fondre, forestcall, foreverlearner, Forex Nomad, ForexHell, forexprodiva, Forito, forrestman, forumuser, Fotover, fourways, Franchesco, Francisco555, francistan, Frankdux, frankenx, FranSC, fraquo, fred71400 French, Fredaltorn, FredBell, freddyhoover, Frederique, Free, FreeToChoose, fridge, FRIENDLYGUY55, FrogsTrading, frumenti, frumosul, fshizzle, FTSE, Fu510n, fuinsc, funtrader, Fut2000, FutOptStk, Future4, futuremaster, futureqst, futures rookie, Futures Trader 20, futuresace, FuturesBen, futuresnewbie416, futurestrader9979, fveverka, fwhites, FX Farmer, FX Sniffer, FXBryan, Fxeq20, fxfox, Fxfutures1976, FXL5, fxpipmeister, fxpro312, 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greenies, GreenPip, greentree, Greg73, Gregg, GregyTrades, grenouille, gretchen, grid0000, grimlis, grindizer, Grizzlyzoo, GrizzX, GrkBear, grock, grok56, groman, GrumpyDude, grzltn, GSREDDY, GSusan, GT Murphy, GTNorthwest, gudway, guidalpi2, guidosl, Gunner, GunTanTrapDaddy, Gut2000, gutman, guyadam, guykhougaz, gviand, gvmgvm, h7xp4, habore, hadyn68, haggis, hahncsaba, halldorf, hallem, hammy64, hammyy2k, hampton, hamstrus, hamtrader, hamy, hanibalu, Hank Dogood, Hank64, hannele, hansenlauw, hansjs, hansonk, Hanta, HappyOne, Harasahas, Hardy1, Harj0079, hark33, harriscfd, Harrison, harrydeng, harryvv, harsha, HaswellXT, hate2work, havo9999, Hawk98, Hayesplbg, hayfields7, hcolton, hCore, Hdg4370, HeartMan, Heccis, hectorvil3, HedgeBear, heiheilau, Heineken, Helen, Helene, Helios, Helix49, Helll, hello mm, HELLS ANGELS, Hemsa, hendri, Henrywl, Henryz, Herbert, Hermantrading, Hermo, herop, herotrader, Hguru, HHKKJJ, hibiki, Hiccup, HighFunds49, Hightrade, hilarioburman, hindsight, Hipi, HIRHI, hirtop, hisalmi, hisanoster, Hitpaydirt, hiveminding, hiwaymn1, hmquant, hmuscat, hoanggiangsos, HOBBIT^33^, Hokie, Holligoly, HolmesSimons, honeytime, hoogs, HopeToSail, Hopper, horned1, horseman, HorstGoldstein, horvatkevin, Hoshii, HotKeys, Hotub, houghstr, Howard, hpansen, hroshan, HSoto24, hugos, Hukphinn, humbled1, Hunsberger, hurtor3, Husanboy, husky66, HYES, hygek, iamhere, iamme1, Iammonet60, iampooyan, iamrsaravana, Ian Lavoie, Ianstien, ianuk, Ibba, IBLAB, iblake, ibrizzle, icarus, icarusting, Icehouse, Icepic, ideaman, Idsky, IequalsS, ifbac, igorip, IgorJp, igtarnd, IJET Trader, iliabelov, ilikeread, ilovetozoom, iLuv2Trade, imandoust, Imightwin, imnewtrader, ImperialArbitrage, Incoherence, incometrader, inderjitone, inders, indiatimes, indignate, IndiTrader, Infinite, ing2us, inheritag, inshacornea, instantgreen, intermarkettrade, InterXtrader, inthetrend, invader, investeddie, investhobart, investman9, investor trading, investor9455, Investorito, ioathlete, ionthefuture, iossifv, iPipper427, iraj8, irastaro, irimakrot, irondan63, ironkate, ironsferri, irvin, isaacgflores, Isabytrade, ISeeZombies, Isidro, isisitbob, islandpunadog1, ismael31500, isomorph, itconsultant, ithinklight, ITM Trader, Itumeleng, iwanjon, iwells, iykyu, J H M, j0ck, J0hn D0e, j3t3j, jabafett, jac007, jacafi01, Jack5, Jacka777, Jackbabcpa, JackSpaerow, jackylemi, jackyu, jacobboyt, jacqudy, jacutiepie14, jagat mithya, Jagrx7, JahPips, jaib, jakelly, Jakobjah, jakoptions, jalley, James1, Jamesband, jameseric, JamesKer1000, jamesliu, JamesS, JamesSR, jamesstriker1982, jamesv, jamesw, JamieHendrix, jammyhl, janreichen, Jansta, jaobr2, jarenao, Jarodsun3819, jasmanak, jasnd, Jason Solomon, JasonJohnson60446, JasonMD, Jathrop Swayoza, javamarket, javibi, Javiergu, javierperez, jaxgmfb, Jay Sairam, JayKulimo, Jayzman, jazzer, jb futures, jbarr, jbiedajr, jbmiguel, Jbrd, jcartru1974, jcfii, jcgutmon, JCHAWAII, jclc, jcsmmkyne, jctrader, jdharrelljd, JDHpodge, jdm719, JDNeeman, jdr1967, Jdwhit, Jean Alain, jec1952, Jeff Monroe, jefflitt, jefgardi, Jelelg, jelouge, Jennydsk, Jensen, jeremy3s, jermainewalden, Jeroen, JerryMills, Jesperd, Jesse1, jessicajones, jfkmsp, jg89, jgalt, jgreene, jgussiaas, Jhack, jhdewan, jhill, jhonsotto, jhspann, Jigzaw, Jihao Yu, jikhtiari, Jim Eddwards, Jim G, jimbob, JimDas99, jimhash, JimmyGambles, Jimmyke, jimmytmusic, JimSVMI83, Jimvarelafx, Jindy, jinthray, jinzhou, jipiji, jiribalak, Jirkaa5, JITOWA, JJ11, JJJT, JK1970, jkarch, jkellum, jkl0jkl, jkpdon, jktrader37, jlabtrades, jlee425, jlee6x3, JLROMANBIO, jluna, jmay, jmboss, JMG7713, Jmingo1, jmok, joannaceceta, Joantrader, joaquin, Joaquin mesones, jobjas, jochen, JochenFutures de, joco, Jodean, Joe H, Joe23, joekayaker, joekool, joemac, joerg, joergh, JoeThanksG, joetrade5, jogaspar, johan5459, John Gavin, John32, JohnBly, JohnGump, JohnHL, JohniFx, JohnMcClean, JohnMischka, johnnykepler, JohnS, JohnSearch, johnson4730, joiner, Jojodad, Jojotrader, JOKAHTrader, jokertrader, jonesse, jonesy, jonesy73, jonnietyler, JonnyBoy, joralari, jordavila, Jordifm, Jorg, Jorge DMar, jorgeluis, jorgeperez101, jorsde, jose28, Joselube, JosephL, JoSeramonperezq, joset, josiee, JP Garcia, jperales, jperales42, jperkins22, JPJ Trading, jpkb777, JPKCap, jpman, JPreston, jpstyles2002, JPSys, jptradesall, jrayroc, jrb12, JRLOGIK, JRsLucky, jsob, jspiker77, jssepulveda, jstkils, juanferherrera, juanman, juanram0n, jufjuf, JulianRH, jungle, juralex, just wanna learn, just4aaa, Justin TC, justjim, JustJoe, justry, justtrade, jval, jw8051, jwhtrades, jwilly, Jwmannick, jysy, k15hor, kahili, Kairard, kalalex, kaleo, kalki, kalowsp350, kamilom, kamokeu, karbrelle, karenA, karenchen, KarenRost, karlon0608, karthikm1, kasi333, Kata, katerina, KatM, katmandu, katnip, Kayakdude, Kaylan, kazaan, kb trader, KBal, kbit, kblack, kbshv, KCassels, KChuck, KDA7, kdaggy, kecha1, Keconn, Keenbreathy, KeithBGP, keithesaf, keithmtl, kelvenluiz, kelvinchan, kema, ken pinto, kenfalco, kengriffin, kenneyhouse, Kenny, Kenny Star, kenwin62, kerflop, kerity, kev27T, KevinJ, kevv, keymoo, khalapar, khale24, khalil, khumin100, khunpee69, kian123, kid101, KillerDana, kimbobm, Kimland, kimpossible, Kindridspirit, kingcongond, Kingfisher, KingSing, KINGTRADER007, kispios, KissingBandit, kisskais, kitcaptain, kkess003, kkwt, klabur, Klausi, kleggy, klemenlogar, klutos, KM853, kmeel, kmiller, kmilo1976, Kmk07, knele83, Knicker9, Knight2000, knucklehead, kochini, kody72, kolapol, kolikol, komposter, Kone, Kooj, kooner101, Kosta06, kpionk, Kptrading2017, krenzi, KRHarris, krome9, kropy21up, krrish, Kstreeter, kuba71531, Kudos, Kuliblatos, kullee, KumarHarsh, KumarRaja, kumeil, kumi21, Kursk, kurucz, kwmvhr, kwozniak, kwschmerenbeck, Kyouka, KyriosChris, Labby, Labrador, labravo03, ladybeastmode, lakie12, lakka, lalamber, Lalo, lameo, lancem, landia, Lanie, laorange, Larryeh1, larrysn1919, larsblake, lasecondababele, lastmango, Lauram1449, Laurus12, lavric, LCCTrader, LDog, learnmore, LearnToWinTrading, lebronjames92, lee123, Lee77, leeexus, Leefjl, LeeRob, Leevize, leezus, leff, Lehoi, Lemmy Caution, Leon Blokland, leon3456, Leop, leren, Leslostalot, lesterb, leswar, LetJer, letstrade, leuren, Levk, Lexie2016, lezzlee, lfranch, LGTraderCA, liborc, LievenX, LifeMeaning, Linda Devin, LineBreak, linex, Linfected, linus, lionsat, liorzuk, Lisa175, LisaB, Liska, little wolf, LittleAmish, liuliuwang, Liv Pro, liveandkicking, livelearnRepeat, Livelytrader, Livingfuel, LizS, ljc2546, Lksgolf, LlapanAtic, llmflyfisher, lnm1811, LoboTrader, LochNessMonster, lockey, locky, Locust, loeser, Loesi63, logenm, Logical25, logindejavu27, logons, lokis, Lokksmith, lolcat, LonnieMSP, lony, Lookmeup, lordoftrades, Loren, LorenzJet, lorenzoswave, loschle, loslo, lothc, loudnhigh, loujack42, lourdhu79, love, Low2187, lowroller, lraconline, LRE224639, LSAGL, lsandersj, ltcolkunaidu, lu2013, Luansz, luckydog, luigidedeo, Luisfsz, Luisma, luistrac, Luisvi, LuizM, LuJun, LukeBJJ, LukhyG, luthanh2001, lvturner, LWMcQ, ly108, Lydiansolo, m2explorer, maanav15, mac555, macalfern, maccarrion, macheesmocat, machinegan, Mack68, MAD89, madavid, madbutcher, MadMajkl, MadSc13ntist, maduet, madwired, madzleng, Mafuture, Magas, maggtrading, Mahajrodney, mahathiresa, mahindre, mailfx, Mailmon, maingear, majjee, majter, makingabuck, mama1baba, mamadfarah, Mammoth, mamor57, manathome, mandepsi, manikantant, manitu2001, Mannymo77, mantisli, manuelarturo, ManWtheTradePlan, manz7, marakano, marcelogais, Marcgrain, marchitrader, marco, maria elena, MarianoRA, MarioG, marito, marius, mark d, Mark Spencer, Mark109, marketbreaker, MarketMaker128, MarkG, markkw, markli, markm77, markuse, MARKV, marsan, Marshall, Martha, marticarrion, martin22alex, Martin88, martinfloh, MartinLmpidCom, MartinTom, Marty221, maruse, marvac, Marvelous, MarvTrader, Mas1300, masaleem1, maserras, masood, Massemania, massimo, Massive l, mastbanda2000, master trader, MasterChief, MasterMind, MasterSeer, masterx584, mataman, mate41, matiger, MatIpad, MatoPruth, Matt911, mattcore2002, MattHelm, matthew28, MatthewA, matthoffman, Mav1010, Max610, maxbunker, MaximCapitalist, maxmorrow, maxsys, maxuscz, Maxwell, Mayfair, mbtjsmit, mbutprog, MBZZ, mc1983, mcamilapaez, mcbinsure, mcbre1, mcgaffin, mcphersonb, MD1941, mdaffin, Mdahoma, MDVSS7, ME1313, me4now, mebv, meckense, medioevo, medlock, Medutis, Mega, MegatronG1, melkytrader, Memo82, MEnglmair, mensat, mercanet, mercator6, Merlin123sg, merlin42, merlin97, merlynz, mervrich, mestril, MetodoCuartas, metronome, mfgamma, mforkey, Mgee, mgee3322, mgmeadows, Mhangarta, mhart60513, mic1919, Michael 1, michael013, MichaelAlvarez, michaelroth, michaeltermini, michaelwil, michalst, miche, Mickey99, mickson, Micro Bert, MicroFutures, microice, midnight369, MidnightTrader, MightyMo, Migo1, MiguelCoast, MiguelG, miguelmore, miimote, miiog, Mik618, MikaK, Mikhael, mikiemanna, mikiikanen, Mikio17, MileHiM5, milivojesvc, MillerMSK, MiltonMenendez, mina, mindfultrader, Minds, Minetoo, minette, minoca, minskee, miqzer09, Mirax08, Mirielle, miskhr, missca, missionatsea, mistafista, MisterSpeculator, mit2010, Mitchapalooza08, MitchC, mithoon, Miufx, miwi, Mjc18c, MJMack, Mjones1215, mkhan, MKhurd17, mkoning, MktWizza, ML50, mladenpavla, mlee, mmakdz01, mmarwaha, mmnn777, mokoenatd, Molokoedov, Momstir13, money4me2c, money4trading, Money888, moneyboy888, moneypenny, Monkey777, monterey, MonyeMachine, Mook60, mooman, MooneyNYG, Moongirl, MooreKapital, Moptop, morgen, Mork, mosafer, mostafaabdo, moth2flame, motika1964, motor140bpm, motox, MountainManXXX, MoveableBeast, Mozart2112, Mozoneking, mparama, mpo7, MPTrader, Mr Fractal, mr11, MrAchduschreck, mramarkets, mrBean888, MrBluecat, MrBM, MrBrunotte, Mrclaude, mrcosuarez, MrFancy, MrgudZG, MrHyde, mrjjones, mrmick, mroland19, msanchez, MShires, MSTABAK, mstier, mstrader800, MTEC, mthdmn, MTRADES, mtrex, Mtype, Muerto, munira, Murat, murathan01, MURIHIKU, muriithy714, murugan, muruku, musso, Musti01, Mutte, mvmader, mvtrader2000, mwbscn67, mxgain, mxwelder, mycarislos, Mykldee, mymg, myquantbuddy, Mysterio, mytpq, Mzn9, n00bie1, n5rinivas, nabroskey, nad1225, Nadeemt, naga, Nags, Nagual, naka, nandakumar, narangr, narenthiranps, natgasguy, nauthumon, nayansavla, nayas, naylor, nazad, ncarrolla, ncsutrader, ndgmumbai, ndno, ndweck, ndxtrader, nealbusch, Nedhead, nedhege, NekkieTrada, nekroart, nelecaster, nelson, nenef, neo2013, neoflix, NeoTrade, netanel, netanel99, Netjoker, netswirl, Neurader, newbie0101, newman, nexus00, NGenSys, nguyencudu92, Nibble, nicam, nicehedges, Nicholasi, nick05, nickf, nickv, NickWhite, Nico236, nicode, NightOwlinLA, Nighttcrawler, nikotrader77, Niloc, nilva, ninjadiluce, ninjaprop, ninodirusso, Niranam, nitetrade, njc86, njh1618, nmout, Noam Barel, Noble1, nofx, Nohow, Nomad1974, nomadsenpai, NoMagic, NondualTrader, noobhanz, NoOne1, norwegian, notagefan, notas, nothingness99, Nous Kairos, novicetraders, NowCheck35, NowWeGo, Nowytarg, noyss, NQturnal, nrwrules, nsabidida, nt4papo, ntrader562, Nudge, numberjuani, NumberOne, nvd2013, ny1trader, Nya76, nyachty, nybreed100, Nycdude, nyckingo, Nymmrod, nzjacl, OAlejandro314159, obdo, OBEDIAH, ocala, odiornej, oeg512, Oggydon, Oil Speculator, oilfieldtrash, OKRancher, olafr, olautern, Old person, OldGerman, oleg041179, olegwww, oletiger, Olin, olingrco, olkoud, olla, OmidB, omivay, omni72, omnispective, omttrdr, OneLotWarrior, Onemoretime, Onisowo, opesuniverse, optim, options23, optionsnake, OptionX, ORBML456, Oreo, orestes331, Orion Gold, ormonk, Oscarcool, osho556, osmanm, osomalo, Oswellswan, ouchrif, ourbati, OutOfBounds, owensweb, oxcarin, Ozbod1, ozde, Ozefex, ozp1, p e a z y, Pablo026, Pablonoob, paco, padario, Paddywacker, padmasiri, paja, paladine68, palanivelz, Palma, pamar, pampas1981, panda69, pandacar, Pandu04, PanicTrades, PaoHiz, Papa Giorgio, Papacross, Papertrade, PaperTrader, paragsatpute, pardeus57, Pariswalk29, ParksideSun, parrish, parth1053, Pashanet, patapata, patb2103, patd1111, Pathfinder62, Patricio, Patrick J, Patrick17, patrick246, PATRICK53, patricktapper, patriklb, patrn32, Patshq, pattakarn, PatZen, Paul Quillen, paul19800, PaulFM, PauliWalnuts, PauloMartinez, paulson, paulytatts, pavanghai, Pavel82, pavman, pbenson68, PBTrader, Pchez, pcmdfin, pdgage, peanut, peanuts1956, pedrohcarvalho, pedrosito, Peeplos, Peeters Gert, PegasusGroup, pensaval, pepetrader, Pepperview, PercyMusa, Peresai, perlistrader, perpinchio, perromx, Persistant, Peter B, PETER DALISO, Peter1623, peter9000, peterburr, petergoz, petermypeter, petersokop, PeterZone, ph7trader, pha777, Phamun, Phantomas, PharmDoc, PHDMan, phid, Phil B, PhilCarti, Philip Bordy, PhilipD, PhilipFutures, phillip, Phillip Capital, phro1, pierremtl10, pieskimo, Pighis, PiitrB, Pilgram, Pinenutt, pip0meter, pip29, PipBandit, Pipebender, Piper7, Pipnatized, Piptick, Piquet, pirri, piscesdragon323, PitBoots, pitmajen, Pjort, PKinvest, PKTR, pktrader, Platinumfund0417, PLD3, plpatel76, pltrader, PM22, pmatura, PN7777, pogan, PointBreakTrades, polinya, pollacas, polo9087, polo974, poolboy, poparhon, popcorn, Popsicle, PoquitoTrader, porretti417, Portland, Portrait Hit Man, Powdrpig, POWERADE, pp1230, Ppgplace, ppp05w, ppw123, Pradeepnawa, pradip, prashantd48, prashanthgoutham, prduke, preed, Presocratic, Price Addict, pricey, prince5318, princecoolhotspot, probity, Proboss, ProBowie, profitsnow, project belgrade, proptrading, Protrader360, proverivan, prsodk, pselftx, psoracle, Psy24X, ptcman, PTJDAX, ptraides, Punissher, PureDOG777, purr, purrutia, Purvis, putigo, pvideira1, PVS78, Pyr09903, qps007, qsceszwasdx, qtome, quantismo, quantmatics, Quantum Mechanic, quickturtle, Quinn Ronin, qwerfgbtghjb, QYTO, Qzny0s, R3LZX, raall, Rabbitwon, Racehorse, racekarts, racerbob, Racerx, racevedoz, Rachel, RachidB, RadarOnTheRadar, radicaltour, radrucinvestor, radupaul, Rafa77, rafaelloverufio, rafaman2080, RafiH, Ragsy45, Rahasya, Raiasi, Raiders, Rainbow, Rainier, Rainmakersg, raj2511us, RajaRam, rajaright, rajayasir, rajeshannappa, rajeshp2408, ralabert, ralpfio, RAMASHANKARS, Ramirofx, ramlakhan, RamsiAliani, ramumar1013, randk10, Randuzo, Randy Buster, RangeGuy, ranjdar, rapalsukhpal, RapidTrader, Raqlor, raspailx, ratbhatt, ratfink, ratratrat, rauljimga, Ravenous, rawbz, Ray Shakh, rayb, raydnik, Rayovac, Rayray56, RaySteel, rayvega, RazBey, razor1, RazorSharp, rb2617, rbieri, rbrownlnk, rchu, rcjohnsen, rcs9234, rcseidel, rdlfoehling, rdtw, reb3rd, Recordatio, Redbird, RedBrgCptL, redgreen, redneck4Christ, redouane01, reelhunter, Regis767, Rein, RemStyx, Remy, Rendek752, renomar, Reretired, rescator, Resrup, rex123, rexa, Reyno, rfharris, rglurslr, rheinfire, Rhuey46, rhyatt, riacco, ric77, riccardo1981, RicG, richardrgayton, Richie Z, Richo, richraph, Rick, Rick Wong, Rick73, rickliao, rickmave, rickr, RickW, rico003, ricoblok, Ridj, Ries, rikagan, rimko, RiskControlMaster, RiskOn, riteshcb77, rizman, riznetwork, RK69, RkFx, rlb21300, rleplae, rlkiwitrader, rlubinsky, rlus, rm28, rmcbeath, rmoney, rmong, RnDI, rninja, Roald, Rob1982, Rob269, Robbo, rober77, Robert B, RobertDecker, RobertM, RobertMiami, Roberto1963, Robertp75, Robin Wong, RobinWong, Robiu, robkoch, RobL, roboateam, Robot, Robx, robyswisse, rock65, Rocketdog, RockinCS, rocktrader, rocky05, roden, Rodman, rodmcban, rodrjose213, Roger007380, Roger0806, rogeralexanderd, RogueJoules, Roixtrader, rolle1234, Rollerman, romexsniper, romork, rompetechos, romulko, ron49er, ronak0929, ronaldwanat, ronbo67, ronchiew, ronjenn1, RonKiker, Ronnoco, ronpcdna, Rookytrader, roonius, roos, roque9000, Rory, roshareid, rossc228, Rossco64, rossetto ricardo, RossMurray, Roti, rotoclip, roupaz4, roydio, roystrom, Roystunna, rpgtrades, rpmcmurphy, rrama0, rrbas, rregis, rrshanks, rrunck, RUBEN 11, rubenbusan, rubenss, rubyblue, rudrakshpeps, Rui S, ruleone, rumblefish, rumilori, Rummel, Rumpelstiltskin, Runninggt, ruscri, russt23, RustyJ, rvf263, RyderZeke, ryujel, ryuta006, rzymskifx, S trader, S10Blazer, S173, s1ddy, sadlersr, saerdna, safuans, sagardeep, sagardoshi, sagor, sahamv, sahel, saicho, sainath ramesh, saint, sairamss, saj1011, sakthiganesh, salamonab, Salesgoal66, salten, Salvette, Salvo, Sam21, sam56, Sam970, Samdude, sami10, samiotis, SamK2, Samm, SamMcFisher, SamMuller0927, Sammy C, sammysam, samnjugu, samrezaei, samuel6, samur2000, samuse, Samyb90, samz2, san99, sanathl, sanchezchu, sandgroper, sandip1952, Sandton, Sangreal Quaesitor, Sanil, sanitarof, Sant412, santos69, santoshv2k, sapelujo, saras, sarge736, sarmast932, Sarre9, sarreaza, sathis5567, sathya, satnamsingh, sawka, SBtrader82, scarabofra, schada, schatti, science1, SciTvGuy, SCOARNEC, Scomax, Scooterpiefry, ScotchNoCoke, Scott, ScottishKnight, ScottX45, scrooge33, Scuba777, scunni4107, scunningham, sdandamraj, sdat, seamancardno, Seanbg, SeanKozak, Seanogey, searched alot, Seatrader, SeaView, Sebas27, seeker, sel1k1, selbygirl, Selfmastery, semoa, senior69, sensor2005, seppuku, Serger, Sergeys7, sergeysv, sergiogar69, SertoriusReign, serug, setauquant, seunboi4u, sevenofnine, sewards, sfalcon, sfimar, sfinvcsg, SFOx, sgargella, sgtmarkets, sgtpark, SHA256BITTRADER, ShadowFox, Shafiek, ShagginWagon, ShakenBake, Shaman34, shanthosh, Sharon4, shashialurkar, Shaun Z, ShaunG, shedted, sheila, Sherine, shertrader, shevek, SHGravis, shiven91, Shmo7, shoade, Shone, shorttrade, Shredder, shroutp, shuwei1219, Shyam, siba, SidewalkAerobics, SidJ, SIGCZR, SigTrader, siks, sillybullyboys, Silver84, Silverbear33, SilverSurfer2015, Silvestr, Silvio forech, sima04, Simmo196326, SimonMuss, sinc54, singhvi, sinhru, sinpeople, Sirobby, SirThomas001, sisilia, sixteencorners, Skala33, skat56, skeefreek125, skfcmumbai, skibbatechno, skint, Skoda, Skrohira, skymus, Skyscraper, skywalker, slainster, slawt, slc4827, slerok, slick55, slidewaze, slinkytrade, Slix, slm1266, sloth, Slotrader, slowmoneylife, Slowprofile, slug, Slug86, Smackalackattack, smallsam, smalltarde, Smart Trade, smb1971, smile75, smilepc, Smiles, smittysarg, Smix, Smix01X, smizon, Smoe, smrptl, Snorp, So307755, soacm, socalcannabelle, SOCR, SoftSoap, Sojourner7, sola, SolaFide, solarelectric1, solobaba, sonic, Sonofapip, sorsen, soumen, Soviet, soyfran, spamburied, Spankin Elroy, Sparkles88, spartacus, spdr142, spear, speedtrader, SpeedyBoy, spetscom, Spiderwebtt, spiker666, spiker83, spikey100, Splinter, sporko, spot, spreston, Sprite8man, Squawker, squeezed, sringel, srinivas, srpsloan, Srq1, sscott, ssgray, ssikssiksixelA, ssild, ssitter, ssoni1234, sspires33, ssturg, Stacyg, Stacyjo1962, Stall Horn, stambastamba, StaniB, stanleybright, Starblack, Starfire, starmarble, Starsignn, StarSpangled, Stefcoo, stefij, Stephano, stethius, Stevan, steve m, Steve Odie, steve007, steve1966, steve5, stevejm, SteveM, stevemcqueen1962, stevemuch, steven227, stevenvdv, stevenwgm83, steveo107, SteveV, SteveZ, stevie19, stevien, stewo, Sthf, StillValue97, Stocktastic, stockwizaards, stockwrangler, Stocrates, Stones, Stonewall, StonkinAlgos, Storm2819, StormCJ, StormStar9799, Stormy, Stoxxhunter, strannik158, strasky, Stray2374, strelok, Strider, stryker, STUCKINTHETRUNK, studio88, stumbras, STUMPY, Stungo, subaru69, Sublime Mind, subtle, Successstrax, sudhir, sudhir1946, sudmoni, sujiroy, sukfx, suko, SunCity, SunCoastTrader, Sundevyl, SunGaard, sunlal, sunlit, sunnydelight10, sunnyho38, sunnyjharris, Sunroam, superdouge, supergordon, SuperMonMon, superpete, SuperRookie, SuperScalpy, Supertouch, Supriya, Suraj, sureway, suryc, susan, suva666, suzi, SVan, Swanny, sweetch1, sweetsak, Swelly, Swishy27, Swissboy, Swizzle, syam183, Syed Hassan, SymphonyTomorrow, T III, T3WGroup, Tagus, Taiji555, Takestock, Tallstone, TangoLima, tank2020, TaoMarx, taozemin, tarar18, Target, targus, Tasi, taw643512, tayalsmith, taytrader, Tbuzz, Tcarter0811, TCYSNJ992, tdaman, tearbear, techa, technoloG, Teddy C, tedtally, tenders, tenkrunner, tentacle, TeresaB, teresar, Terminus, 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  #2 (permalink)
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 roonius   is a Vendor
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Glad to join, Mike

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  #3 (permalink)
wh's Avatar
Neubrandenburg, Germany
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Big Mike View Post
wh aka arne! Thank you for joining!

He Mike and All,

i am a full time student since 9 years.
I've never really worked for a boss and that is good.
I make money and i lose money, but i can live.

i have a diploma in geoinformatic and make now my master thesis.
i started trading 3 years back. first time one futures now on forex.

my goal is an ats, a money making machine.

i have a simple plan to make cash, i jump with direction of trend pick 10 pips and shutdown the system.

i am interested on neural networks like this and so on.

Best regards and good forum feeling

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  #4 (permalink)
Peter's Avatar
Brisbane; Australia
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: NT
Broker: IB/TDA needing new broker
Trading: Futures, Forex, Stocks
Posts: 97 since Jun 2009
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Thanks Mike for the forum.

As many I also lost money for years. My turnaround started last year realizing the importance of not loosing and good money management. I did mainly stocks so far and swing trading.

Hope to pick up how to do futures here.

Main platform is NT .... hoping to automate a little and be able to do the US market during our Australian nights.

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  #5 (permalink)
Ottawa, Canada
Experience: Beginner
Platform: Ninja
Broker: Mirus,Zen-Fire
Trading: Currencies
Posts: 120 since Jun 2009
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Glad to join this fourm, hopefully this fourm will be successful like BLOG!!!!!!


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  #6 (permalink)
George's Avatar
Experience: Master
Platform: TT, NT, MetaTrader
Broker: Velocity Futures, MB Trading
Trading: EUR/USD
Posts: 401 since Jun 2009
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Big Mike View Post
Glad to see you here George!

Hi Mike,

Thank you! I'm glad to be here and be a part of all this. And Congratulations on all this. You've done an amazing and a wonderful job!


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  #7 (permalink)
Calcutta, India
Experience: Intermediate
Platform: ArthaChitra
Posts: 278 since Jun 2009
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i am a trader from India. been dabbling with NT for sometime and found the site of Mike. looks really neat.

hope to learn a trick or two from you guys.

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  #8 (permalink)
Nashville TN
Experience: Beginner
Platform: NINJA
Posts: 18 since Jun 2009
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Hey mike , hey traders:
I just want to say that I am new to the futures trading. been sim most of the time cause I do not want to lose my money as I have done in the past with stocks. I want to learn the discipline, have a plan and trade it. I also like to learn from all you traders that have experience and are willing to help those in need. I find most traders like to keep things a secret like they are the only ones with a the secret or holy grail and if we know there so caled secret then no more money will be made for them. There is plenty of money to be made so I do not know why some people are unwilling to help. On the other hand I have found a few that are so helpfull cause they know what it is like to lose there account and now they know what its like with new traders to struggle.
So enough rambling, you all get the point. I hope I can learn from you all and able to pass my insight on to others.


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  #9 (permalink)
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 Big Mike 
Manta, Ecuador
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Welcome bukkan,

Glad to have you. The forum is brand new, so we'll need help from fellow traders like yourself to make it into a nice community.

You must give in order to receive


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  #10 (permalink)
Big Mike's Avatar
 Big Mike 
Manta, Ecuador
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Swing Trader
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Platform: Custom solution
Broker: IBKR
Trading: Stocks & Futures
Frequency: Every few days
Duration: Weeks
Posts: 50,672 since Jun 2009
Thanks Given: 33,404
Thanks Received: 102,210

Thanks for the kind words, George.

I've really enjoyed your previous contributions, especially in money management and psychology. I look forward to more!


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