Nice colored Stochastics Indicator. Set it at 4,8,1 for daytrading and you will hit the high and low peaks really well. I have been using for a while and didn't see one like this posted on the site so hear it is.
February 12th, 2011
Size: 9.25 KB
Downloaded: 262 times
Exported NinjaTrader Version 6.5 1000.17
This is the original Pattern Recognition, with minor changes : the text and the arrow distance from the candle can be set. Also the text can be hide.
Simple Strategy:
Buy when KeltnerMulticolor midband is green (uptrend), and the price reverse right to the lower band and bullish pattern appears.
Exit at the opposite band.
Sell when midband is red (downtrend), and the price reverse to the upper band and bearish pattern appears.
Exit at the opposite band.
To Import 1. Download the attached file to your desktop
2. From the Control Center window select the menu File > Utilities > Import NinjaScript
3. Select the downloaded file
December 6th, 2010
Size: 11.32 KB
Downloaded: 595 times
I tripped over this indicator and it's from Ninja Trader Support Forum. For me, it's a great learning tool before I can draw trend lines myself .. smile ..
December 5th, 2010
Size: 5.99 KB
Downloaded: 248 times
This indicator plots a 2 colored line representing the average volume over a period of bars. Simple as that...I was asked about the way I use volume to evaluate my entries and so I uploaded this indicator to assist in answering question. I won't answer that question here but just provide the indicator.
November 19th, 2010
Size: 7.77 KB
Downloaded: 168 times
NewsAlerts is a helper indicator in that you must find out the news items for the day and configure the indicator with those news items. I use jtEconNews2a configured so it alerts me. However, I find that I forget about the news. So, I wrote this indicator to display a message prior to the news item and leaving the message on the price panel so I don' t forget about it. You can add the news items each morning before you start trading and they will clear after the news item expires. You can configure 3 news items. So, if there are several news items at the same time, just configure one item. That about covers it. I hope you find it as useful as I do.
November 18th, 2010
Size: 3.02 KB
Downloaded: 136 times
Exported using NT6.5.1000.9
This is a MOD of the SMARSI indicator that will plot RSI dots on a SMA when RSI is above/below the alert level.
The basic indicator has four inputs: the SMA setting (default is 21 period), the RSI setting (21 period), and the upper and lower level alerts (set at 43 and 57).
The MOD on this indicator is the addition of BLACK background dots behind the RED or GREEN dots when the RSI condition is TRUE (showing market pressure) AND Stochastics has made a pullback in the opposite direction.
The appearence of the BLACK background dots will alert to a pullback in a trend OR the end of a trend.
The Stochastic used in this indicator is the Double Stochastic Mod. The default setting for the Period is 10 and the EMA is set to 2. These settings are designed to catch fast pullbacks.
In addition to these settings are the upper and lower level ALERTS (default settings are 20 and 80).
All settings can be changed in the Parameters section.
The RSI 'dots' will only print when the SMA is Rising/Falling in the same direction as the trend (borrowed from jabeztrading's MOD).
V2 Edit The only change is in the parameters section, now the inputs are coded in order.
To Import
1. Download the attached file to your desktop
2. From the Control Center window select the menu File > Utilities > Import NinjaScript
3. Select the downloaded file
November 16th, 2010
Size: 11.06 KB
Downloaded: 433 times
Exported via Ninjatrader 6.5 (lastest update)
I made an addition to the SMARSI indicator that was submitted on Nov 7th by TraderAZ.
I've added another RSI (default period 2) that when it reaches OS/OB extremes, in accordance with the slope of the moving average, a dot (bigger one) is plotted on the moving average.
So in addition to the four user defined inputs as in the original indicator, there are inputs for the second RSI and upper and lower levels for that RSI.
January 19th, 2011 09:11 AM peakskill I find this indicator, along with the original indicator, to be a helpful confirming indicator. I like to plot it on a
shorter timeframe chart (range chart) from my entry signal chart (3 minute for GBPUSD). It alerts me to trouble at my e
ntry area and also helps give confidence while using a trailing stop. Thank you for the indicator.
January 19th, 2011 09:14 AM peakskill Very helpful. Thanks!
December 1st, 2010 02:30 PM greathopes Looks fantastic I cant wait to check it out. Nice pullback entry visual. Thanks man!
November 16th, 2010 02:52 PM jabeztrading Looking good TraderAZ. I think you've started something here. Maybe others will come with other ideas and expand on this
February 8th, 2011 09:20 PM allofpm what is this chanel indicator youhave on your chart?
December 30th, 2010 07:41 PM Southsea Thanks for the indicator, but I can't download it because it's a cs file. Can you provide it in a zip format? Thanks s
o much!
December 11th, 2010 04:25 PM greathopes Wow I love this indicator sorry but I cant get it to run on Ninja 7.0. It loads but I can't find it in th
e indicator list. It says to close and reopen ninja to get it but to no avail...