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NinjaTrader 7 Indicators
Indicators in this section are compatible with NinjaTrader 7

Decycler Indicators - SimpleDecycler_V1 5 *
Decycler indicators Exported with NinjaTrader 7.0.1000.30

Revised 11/1/15


1. Ability to specify Fast, Slow, or Both plots
2. Change the percent parameter to accept the more standard notation xx.y (%).
3. Remove all code related to the signals produced for Bloodhound.
Another indicator which contains Bloodhound codes will be posted on the Bloodhound thread here.
4. Add basic signal codes to replace the Bloodhound codes.
5. Ability to add dual bands for Fast, Slow, or Both plots with the following features:
-a. Different plot colors when using Dual Bands
-b. Inner and outer bands are calculated using VWStdDev each having user defined
multipliers and periods.
-c. user option to specify what values are used for the inner and outer bands follows:
--1. Fast- uses the appropriate inner or outer values derived from only the Fast midline.
--2. Slow- uses the appropriate inner or outer values derived from only the Slow midline.
--3. Min - uses the appropriate inner or outer values derived from the minimum values
of either the Fast or Slow inner and outer bands accordingly.
--4. Max - uses the appropriate inner or outer values derived from the maximum values
of either the Fast or Slow inner and outer bands accordingly.
--5. minMax - uses the minimum values from either the Fast or Slow inner for the plotted inner band, and the maximum values from either the Fast or Slow Outer band for the plotted outer band.
---6. Fast, Slow, or Both Plots is automatically set according to the Dual Band option chosen.
6. Separate parameters for Dual Bands to allow easier switching between Dual and non-Dual modes.

>>>End revisions 11/1/15<<<

The background for this indicator is explained in the entry DecyclerOscillators (above) and is not described here. [I]The download file is the same as the one posted in the DecyclerOscillator with both indicators contained in the download. The NT version can be downloaded from the link supplied in the DecyclerOscillator entry.

This indicator is the opposite of the high-pass filter with the SinpleDecycler plots created by subtracting the high-pass filtered data from the input stream allowing the decycler to display “the low-frequency components with virtually no lag.”. The author suggests the period parameter be a half-year period however, states, “the range of this variable is just about anything you choose.”.

In addition to the decycler plot the original indicator (show in the visual in the DecyclerOscillator) plots two lines that are plus and minus 0.5 percent from the low frequency decycle plot and are referred to as the hysteresis lines. The interpretation is that if Close prices are above the upper line the market is in an uptrend, with a downtrend indicated by Close prices below the lower line. No trend is when the prices fall within the lines.



The enhancements provided must be considered experimental as they are not part of the original concept described in Mr. Ehler’s article. More testing and experimenting needs to be performed in order to determine their usefulness.

The enhancements provide the ability to:
1. request a Single plot (Slow) or Dual plots (Slow and Fast) . The method to set the fast period lookback is similar to the DecyclerOscillator and can be either a “Percentage” from the slow period or the “AsSpecified” values for each parameter will be used.
2. vary the multiplier percentage used to form the hysteresis band.
3. use a standard deviation to determine the hysteresis band in lieu of a multiplier.
4. Specify three signaling options, Off, Basic, and Extended. The Extended signal is experimental and is intended to be used with Bloodhound. The signals produced are described in the thread here
5. paint the region between the two midRange decycler bands.

Credits with my thanks to:
1. @Fat Tails for the region painting code copied from his TriggerLines Indicator
2. @Fat Tails for his Volume Weighted Standard Deviation method used in the hysteresis band offset calculation

Change Log

9/29/2015 :- Initial release
10/1/2015 :- Correct error in algorithm code for calculating Fast plot in DecyclerOscillator
11/1/2015 : - Revisions described at top of page.

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Details: Decycler Indicators - SimpleDecycler_V1
Category: NinjaTrader 7 Indicators 

October 1st, 2015
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