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NinjaTrader 6.5 Miscellaneous
Downloads in this section are for NinjaTrader 6.5 and include files that don't fit into any other category (ie: Market Replay Data, Custom Bar Types)

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NT 6.5 installer needed!
Hello All!

Has anyone old NT 6.5 installer? NT site has no download link
or I can't find it.

AT 2014 it still was available

Thank you!
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Details: NT 6.5 installer needed!

October 10th, 2020
Size: 16.74 KB
Downloaded: 4 times
Original Volume Spread Analysis Code for Programmers
This is the original code for Amibroker by Karthik. If you are interested you can program something for NT7 or make improvements for NT 6.5 code, which you can download here in the forum. I have noticed the VSA Indicator for NT 6.5 has often times false signals/ alerts. For example it tells you sometimes that there is a test bar, but there should be by definition not or vice versa. And many more little definition mistakes.

Have fun.
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Details: Original Volume Spread Analysis Code for Programmers

October 16th, 2010
Size: 4.81 KB
Downloaded: 56 times
Plots up to five shaded price zones, input by the user, with lots of quick options to change the look.

Exported 6.5.1000.14
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Details: ConfluenceZones

June 4th, 2010
Size: 6.70 KB
Downloaded: 196 times

Keywords: zones confluencezones confluence
Candle Outline Color Change to match Body 5 *
Hey Guys,
This indicator was developed by eDanny on the Ninja Support forum and it's something I was looking for for a while and finally found it.
It allows you to change the color of the candle outline to match the color of the candle. ie up candle green, outline/wick is green and so forth. Also you can adjust if the body is filled or hollow. It's very helpful for those who like to have a black background similar to tradestation.
Below is the Ninja Support forum link:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Nick Faria

NinjaTrader6.5: Not tested, yet
NinjaTrader7: Yes- ZTrade101
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Details: Candle Outline Color Change to match Body

February 11th, 2010
Size: 2.07 KB
Downloaded: 347 times

Keywords: nickfaria color candle hollow candlesticks paintbar
SbSRenko (Side by Side) 5 *
Renko variation which shows current price, highs and lows of the price travel during the formation of the bar.

Import as a regular indicator.
Do not look for it in the indicator list.

It will appear under Interval Settings in "Format Data Series" dialog

For those who feel confused with double sized bodies I created additional ChartStyle called SbSrenko. You can find it in Chart Properties dialog.

NinjaTrader 6.5: YES
NinjaTrader 7.0: NO
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Details: SbSRenko (Side by Side)

November 4th, 2009
Size: 2.96 KB
Downloaded: 911 times
Crude Continuous Contract Minute Data Jan 2006 - Oct 2009 5 *
I exported this from Tradestation into Ninjatrader. Tradestation's continuous contract data is pretty good.

I'm working on a way to do tick charts.
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Details: Crude Continuous Contract Minute Data Jan 2006 - Oct 2009

October 31st, 2009
Size: 7.53 MB
Downloaded: 163 times
files for simple template
These are scattered over the forum and I could not attach to previous post. So these are the indicators you would need for the simple template. Also get  
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Details: files for simple template

September 4th, 2009
Size: 27.04 KB
Downloaded: 158 times
Customizing Candles 0 *
Code to customize candlestick outlines and body based on a set of conditions.

#region Candle Definition
if ( COND1 && COND2 && COND3 )
CandleOutlineColor = Color.LimeGreen;
if(Open[0]<Close[0] && ChartControl.ChartStyleType == ChartStyleType.CandleStick ) {
BarColor = Color.Transparent;
} else{
BarColor = Color.Lime;

else if ( COND1 && COND2 && COND3 )
CandleOutlineColor = Color.DarkGreen;
(see attached file)
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Details: Customizing Candles

August 16th, 2009
Size: 25.00 KB
Downloaded: 62 times

Keywords: visual candlesticks candles
Renko Bars
Renko charts are price charts with rising and falling diagonal lines of boxes that are either filled or hollow. Renko charts are "time independent" charts that do not have constantly spaced time axes.

The word "Renko" comes from "Renga", the Japanese word for "brick". The filled and hollow squares that make up a Renko chart are often referred to as "bricks." Renko charts were popularized by Steve Nison in his book "Beyond Candlesticks".

Renko charts have a pre-determined "Brick Size" that is used to determine when new bricks are added to the chart. If prices move more than the Brick Size above the top (or below the bottom) of the last brick on the chart, a new brick is added in the next chart column. Hollow bricks are added if prices are rising. Black bricks are added if prices are falling. Only one type of brick can be added per time period. Bricks are always with their corners touching and no more than one brick may occupy each chart column.

It's important to note that prices may exceed the top (or bottom) of the current brick. Again, new bricks are only added when prices completely "fill" the brick. For example, for a 5-point chart, if prices rise from 98 to 102, the hollow brick that goes from 95 to 100 is added to the chart BUT the hollow brick that goes from 100 to 105 is NOT DRAWN. The Renko chart will give the impression that prices stopped at 100.

It's also important to remember that Renko charts may not change for several time periods. Prices have to rise or fall "significantly" in order for bricks to be added.

Courtesy roonius @
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Details: Renko Bars

July 3rd, 2009
Size: 1.58 KB
Downloaded: 294 times

Keywords: bars renko
Point Original Bars (PointO bars)
Unlike traditional range bars, these hold the range from open to close at a constant.

Import like a normal indicator, then on your chart use Format Data Series to select PointO and the range.

Courtesy Richard @
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Details: Point Original Bars (PointO bars)

July 3rd, 2009
Size: 1.62 KB
Downloaded: 560 times

Keywords: pointo bars point original


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