Enhancements to GOM MP :
1. Added new SPLIT session mode, that will show AH and RTH profiles together in one chart. Works with other types as well.
2. Added Display profile levels such as Trading Session High, Trading Session Low, Mid, VPOC, Value Area High and Value Area Low
3. Added IB minutes parameter to allow you to set initial balance of your preference. IB parameter is turned off for AH session. IB won’t show if you have bar set to more than IB minutes.
4. Enhanced Developing VPOC function. Displays now straight progressing line for clear visibility.
5. Added Naked Vpoc levels with an option to display closed naked vpocs
6. Added Naked Close (GAP) levels with an option to display closed GAPS
7. Added option to display the naked level date and price level to the right panel
8. Added Summary section below the Profile that displays total profile volume with an option to format kilo, million and no formatting.
9. Added Summary section below the Profile that also display Initial Balance range and Daily range.
10. Added option to compute profiles for all bars on the chart vs on screen bars. This is important for naked levels in the past computation and display on screen without a need to squeeze the chart to naked level day.
Updated 05/21 :
Fixed IB settings for 24/7 & RTH Template;
[IB] summary level display adjustment dynamically to the top of the range.
Updated 05/22 :
Upgraded to GOMi's 4.6 version- Thanks to TimeTrade@BMT
Added a separate Pen style for dVPOC.
Updated 05/23 :
Fixed issue with the price display for currency and Bond markets
Updated 05/25 :
Added option to turn the status message off <8.13>
For this to work, additionally download and compile Hot Key Manager file from here GomHotKeyManager
Updated 05/26 :
Fixed Serialization problem for Fonts
Updated 05/27 :
Added toolbar buttons to set profile attributes.
Added option to show IB for overnight session
Added option to set color for summary text
Added option to set color for naked level text
Added option to show Continuous VA/VPOC/VWAP
Updated 05/28 :
Fixed the screen flicker issue
Updated 08/21 :
Attempt to fix performance problem reported during the RTH session start
First read details here : https://nexusfi.com/elite-circle/20321-altogommp-several-enhancements-features-gom-mp-including-naked-vpoc-naked-gap.html
Category The Elite Circle