CamsVp is a volume profile indicator for NinjaTrader 8 with added features of delta, footprint and imbalance. CamsVp has great flexibility in the selection of chart regions from which to generate a profile. The start and end of regions may be defined as window, date, current, bar and daily. There is also a handy mouse drawing tool to define regions. A region may be as small as one bar or as large as computer memory capacity. There is no limit as to the number of regions that can be drawn. Granularity can be chosen to minimize computer load especially for large time span profiles. CamsVp automatically configures itself according if a chart's Tick Replay feature is enabled. Calculation mode and bid/ask delta are affected. Scales may be mixed, for instance a volume profile can be shown with a Delta scale.
Detailed instructions and discussion thread is here:
R4: added Enable CamsVpRegion to control cross talk using multiple instantiations on same chart. 11/8/2017
R3: added volume imbalance, changed display to Bid/Ask, value area boundary line, improved text alignment, scale and bar opacity, 8/6/2017
R2: fixed granular bar offset, added Day and Volume granularity, improved value area calculation, added VA smoothing, fixed Right orientation for regions Bar and Daily, 07/07/2017
R1: initial release, 6/19/2017
Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More