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NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More
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TickHunter Trade Bot Indicator 5 *
TickHunter is a very powerful trade bot or trade assistant that provides many features including a trade panel with several buttons useful for managing trades. Have you ever wanted to place a pending order 1 tick above or below the previous candle? Have you ever wanted to move your stop-loss to break-even and then automatically trail your stop-loss? With TickHunter, it's easy!
  • Button 1: AB.OFF (toggle auto break-even types - button color hot pink when active)
  • Button 2: Rev (reverse market position)
  • Button 3: Close/Flat (Close chart instrument pending and market orders while Flat will close all account market and pending orders)
  • Button 4: AC.OFF (toggle auto close types - button color hot pink when active)
  • Button 5: TP+ (take-profit plus moved take-profit away from market price)
  • Button 6: BE+ (break-even plus moves stop-loss to break-even initial ticks in position favor)
  • Button 7: SL+ (stop-loss plus moves stop-loss closer to market price)
  • Button 8: Pop+ (pop plus - opens buy stop order above price)
  • Button 9: Pop- (pop minus - opens sell stop order below price)
  • Button 10: Drop- (drop minus - opens sell limit order above price)
  • Button 11: Drop+ (drop plus - opens buy limit order below price)
  • Button 12: S.Off (trade signal filter for auto pilot - hidden by default)
  • Button 13: AP.Off (auto pilot - trade/token count - hidden by default)
  • Button 14: V(1) (toggle volume/contract options 1 through 5 - volume/contracts to use when using pop+/-, drop+/-, auto pilot)

TickHunter v1.467

Change Log
02/14/2024 v1.467 - Updated bogey target break even feature
01/24/2024 v1.464 - Added Ctrl + Shift + buy or sell button to open max volume number of contracts...fixed bug in full auto pilot not zeroing out when bogey target hit
12/17/2023 v1.458 - Improved close and reverse features when using "blended" instrument features
12/11/2023 v1.456 - Improved take profit handling in certain margin pressure and exchange rejection situations
10/13/2023 v1.452 - Fix in DayOverMaxLoss feature
10/12/2023 v1.451 - Improved auto break even KZ feature
10/11/2023 v1.449 - Improved trail KZ Dual & KZ features
10/09/2023 v1.448 - Added new auto breakeven option TKZ and auto close option AC.KZ
09/29/2023 v1.445 - Fixed issue with stoploss
09/24/2023 v1.442 - Added new auto breakeven option "trail mix"
08/03/2023 v1.438 - Added two additional snap locations
06/11/2023 v1.421 - Updated Pop+/- features
06/07/2023 v1.414 - Updated AutoPilot profiles
06/01/2023 v1.409 - Updated AutoPilot Profiles
05/24/2023 v1.403 - Fixed position average line issue
05/15/2023 v1.398 - Improved AutoPilot alerts
05/10/2023 v1.391 - Support for multiple workspaces
05/09/2023 v1.390 - Fixed position average line issue
05/07/2023 v1.388 - Improved AutoPilot profiles
05/05/2023 v1.385 - Improved stability
03/27/2023 v1.321 - Improved performance
03/15/2023 v1.314 - Fixed auto close feature
03/12/2023 v1.311 - Added 3 new auto close features...ZombieStacked... improved AutoAddOn feature
03/07/2023 v1.309 - Added more Snap locations and reorganized IntradayMarginDollars, PositionMaxVolume, and CommissionPerSide...removed legacy settings
03/04/2023 v1.305 - Rebuilt Auto AddOn feature
02/24/2023 v1.297 - Added trade alerts to AutoPilot Lite.
01/30/2023 v1.285 - Added Creeper & Zombie Flip + Trail to Auto Breakeven button
01/20/2023 v1.281 - Added support for next filtered setups in Auto Pilot Lite (APL.F(1))
01/15/2023 v1.280 - Added support for boget targets while in drawdown
01/12/2023 v1.278 - Added support for unlimited bogey targets
01/10/2023 v1.277 - Improved AutoAddOn feature to halt addons when stoploss has moved to break even
12/07/2022 v1.265 - Added Creeper Flip + Trail to auto break even
12/05/2022 v1.264 - Improved button and label layout - now includes take profit & bogey target info
10/23/2022 v1.257 - Optimization and bug fixes
10/12/2022 v1.253 - Improved HODL feature
10/11/2022 v1.250 - Added support for blended instruments and several other improvements
09/28/2022 v1.246 - Refactored ECATP and minor bug fixes
09/15/2022 v1.235 - Bug fixes for bogey targets & SnapPBLevel
08/30/2022 v1.232 - Bug fixes and ability to bypass intraday margin check
08/28/2022 v1.227 - Added Buy/Sell buttons, LimitAddOnVolumeToInProfit functionality, average line, and bug fixes
07/05/2022 v1.222 - Changed terms Day Over Max Profit/Daily Profit to Bogey Target
06/10/2022 v1.218 - DP button now auto advances. Fixed invalid stoploss issue
06/05/2022 v1.215 - Added smart Daily Profit multiples, fixed pop replay issue, and ECATP price line
06/02/2022 v1.212 - Added DayOverMaxLossProfitRatio to automatically adjust the DayOverMaxLoss line based on a ratio of the DayOverMaxProfitDollars
05/24/2022 v1.211 - Added support for 10 multiples of the Daily Max Profit Dollars.
05/11/2022 v1.210 - Added DP button. This is used to support multiples of the Daily Max Profit Dollars.
04/29/2022 v1.207 - Fixed auto pilot issue that may cause skipped entries
04/26/2022 v1.206 - Improved Auto Pilot feature to prevent trade/token entry after the follow through candle has been open for a moment
04/21/2022 v1.205 - Changed HODL to prevent auto close and no longer will move to break even.
03/30/2022 v1.203 - Added new auto break-even option: Auto Break-Even Trail Zombie Resume
03/27/2022 v1.202 - Added new stoploss snap types and ability to zero out Auto Pilot in one click
03/23/2022 v1.200 - Added Zombie Setup Auto Pilot feature
04/06/2021 v1.141 - Initial release

TickHunter Indicator Settings

1) Order Management Settings
* UseAutoPositionStopLoss: enable/disable automatic stop-loss based on initial stop-loss tick/atr multiplier settings
* UseAutoPositionTakeProfit: enable/disable automatic take-profit based on initial take-profit tick/atr multiplier settings
* AutoPositionCloseType: select auto close type
** EquityCloseAllTakeProfit: closes all market positions when profit level reached
** MovingAverage1Slope: close chart instrument position when EMA 1 slope changes
** MovingAverage1SlopeMinProfit: close chart instrument position when EMA 1 slope changes & AutoCloseMinProfitDollarsPerVolume
** MovingAverage2Slope: close chart instrument position when EMA 2 slope changes
** MovingAverage2SlopeMinProfit: close chart instrument position when EMA 2 slope changes & AutoCloseMinProfitDollarsPerVolume
** MovingAverage3Slope: close chart instrument position when EMA 3 slope changes
** MovingAverage3SlopeMinProfit: close chart instrument position when EMA 3 slope changes & AutoCloseMinProfitDollarsPerVolume
** ZombieSetupFlip: close chart instrument position when opposite Zombie setup bar closes
** ZombieSetupFlipMinProfitDollars: close chart instrument position when opposite Zombie setup bar closes & AutoCloseMinProfitDollarsPerVolume
* AutoPositionBreakEvenType: select auto break-even type
** AB.OFF: auto break-even disabled
** AB.OJ: auto break-even is active and will move the stop-loss to break even using trigger ticks and trigger ATR multiplier (whichever is larger)
** AB+TM3: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using break-even moving average 3 (default 89-period EMA)
** AB+TM2: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using break-even moving average 2 (default 21-period EMA)
** AB+TM1: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using break-even moving average 1 (default 10-period EMA)
** AB+T5B: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using the high or low of the 5 previous bars
** AB+T3B: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using the high or low of the 3 previous bars
** AB+T2B: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using the high or low of the 2 previous bars
** AB+T1B: auto break-even is active and after BE will trail the stop-loss using the high or low of the 1 previous bars
* StopLossInitialTicks: initial ticks for stop-loss
* StopLossInitialATRMultiplier: initial ticks for stop-loss based on average true range (atr)
* StopLossInitialSnapType: choose initial stop-loss snap bars initial ticks/atr - whichever is greater
* StopLossJumpTicks: ticks to jump when moving stop-loss closer to market price (holding down CTRL key and clicking SL+ button will move stop-loss to snap price of previous candle)
* StopLossInitialDollars: initial dollars for stop-loss
* StopLossInitialDollarsCombined: initial dollars for stop-loss + initial ticks + initial snap
* StopLossRefreshOnVolumeChange: recalculate stop-loss price after volume changes
* BreakEvenInitialTicks: initial ticks of profit for stop-loss when moved to break-even
* BreakEvenJumpTicks: ticks to jump in favor after stop-loss has moved to break-even
* BreakEvenTurboJumpTicks: ticks to jump in favor after stop-loss has moved to break-even (holding down CTRL key and clicking BE+ button wil activate turbo jump ticks)
* BreakEvenAutoTriggerTicks: after price moves in favor by trigger ticks then automatically move stop-loss to break-even
* BreakEvenAutoTriggerATRMultiplier: trigger ticks based on average true range (atr)
* TakeProfitInitialTicks: initial ticks for take-profit
* TakeProfitInitialATRMultiplier: initial ticks for take-profit based on average true range (atr)
* TakeProfitJumpTicks: ticks to jump when moving take-profit away from market price
* TakeProfitCtrlSLMultipler: holding ctrl while clicking TP+ will multiply the current stop-loss ticks by this value
* SnapPaddingTicks: padding ticks above high or below low of previous candle
* PopInitialTicks: initial ticks to open a pending buy/sell stop order above or below price
* PopInitialATRMultiplier: initial ticks to open a pending buy/sell stop order above or below price based on average true range (atr)
* PopJumpTicks: jump ticks to move a pending buy/sell stop order above or below price closer to market price
* UsePopAutoJumpToSnap: Enable/disable Pop auto jump feature. When enabled and Pop+/- buttons used, pending order will automatically keep jumping toward price until it reaches Snap price
* DropInitialTicks: initial ticks to open a pending buy/sell limit order below or above price
* DropInitialATRMultiplier: initial ticks to open a pending buy/sell limit order below or above price based on average true range (atr)
* DropJumpTicks: jump ticks to move a pending buy/sell limit order below or above price closer to market price
* UseDropAutoJumpToSnap: Enable/disable Drop auto jump feature. When enabled and Drop+/- buttons used, pending
* ATRPeriod: period for all atr multiplier features

2) Auto Close Settings
* AutoCloseMinProfitDollarsPerVolume: minimum dollars per volume profit level to reach before closing chart instrument position - used with MovingAverage#SlopeMinProfit
* AutoCloseAndTrailMA1Period: EMA 1 period - used with auto close button AC+M1S and auto break-even button AB+TM1 to trail stop-loss after break-even
* AutoCloseAndTrailMA2Period: EMA 2 period - used with auto close button AC+M2S and auto break-even button AB+TM2 to trail stop-loss after break-even
* AutoCloseAndTrailMA3Period: EMA 3 period - used with auto close button AC+M3S and auto break-even button AB+TM3 to trail stop-loss after break-even
* BogeyTargetBaseDollars: Set auto close bogey target base in dollars.
* DayOverMaxLossDollars: Set auto close daily max loss in dollars. Stoploss cannot be set past this level
* DayOverMaxLossBTBaseRatio: Automatically set DayOverMaxLossDollars based on a ratio of BogeyTargetBaseDollars. Only active when ratio is greater than zero and DayOverMaxLossDollars is set to zero and BogeyTargetBaseDollars is greater than zero.
* DayOverAccountBalanceFloorDollars: Set auto close account balance floor dollars.
* ECATakeProfitDollarsPerMicroVolume: dollars per volume profit level to reach before closing all market positions
* ECATakeProfitDollarsPerEminiVolume: dollars per volume profit level to reach before closing all market positions
* ECATakeProfitATRMultiplierPerVolume: ticks per volume profit level based on average true range (atr)
* ECAStopLossMaxDDInDollars: positon max drawdown in dollars before automatic close
* ECAStopLossEquityRemainingInDollars: close all positions when equity remaining in account at or below this level

3) Auto Entry Settings
* AutoEntryVolumeType: select auto entry volume type
** Option1: uses volume number from AutoEntryVolumeOption1
** Option2: uses volume number from AutoEntryVolumeOption2
** Option3: uses volume number from AutoEntryVolumeOption3
** Option4: uses volume number from AutoEntryVolumeOption4
** Option5: uses volume number from AutoEntryVolumeOption5
* AutoEntryVolumeOption1: volume/contracts to use when using drop+/- or pop+/-
* AutoEntryVolumeOption2: volume/contracts to use when using drop+/- or pop+/-
* AutoEntryVolumeOption3: volume/contracts to use when using drop+/- or pop+/-
* AutoEntryVolumeOption4: volume/contracts to use when using drop+/- or pop+/-
* AutoEntryVolumeOption5: volume/contracts to use when using drop+/- or pop+/-

4) Button Settings

5) Output Log Settings (experimental)

6) Account Logging Settings (experimental)

For further discussion:

* Features that have both ticks and an atr multiplier with the same feature name prefix will use the larger of the two settings. Setting any atr multiplier feature to zero will disable it.
** Configure only one instance of TickHunter per instrument. Running more than one instance of
TickHunter on the same instrument may cause unintended duplicate actions.
*** Recommend fully exploring TickHunter's features and settings on a simulation or playback account before using it on a live account.

Use TickHunter at your own risk. None of the authors, contributors, administrators, or anyone else connected with TickHunter, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible or held liable for using this trading tool. No warranty expressed or implied.

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: TickHunter Trade Bot Indicator
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

October 12th, 2023
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