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InBarsOut v1
Attached is a paintbar indi for TradeStation to show Inside
and Outside bars - or rather TS' Engulfing and Harami bars.

The attached picture has inside bars light green & bright red,
outside bars dark green & red. It is just an example - not all
reversals are signaled as well as that !

To be able to use the windows colors specified in the code,
you have to install x11.eld from
This allows access to many of Windows' standard colors by
See also

As in the code, to specify a color, one then prepends
to the color's name :
for instance.
If you're happy with TradeStation's range of colors, you can
remove every instance of

The (amateur) code :

{ Candlestick PaintBar }

inputs: Length( 14) , 
    InUpColor(color.Chartreuse) , InDnColor(color.Red) , 
    OutUpColor(color.DarkGreen) , OutDnColor(color.FireBrick) ,
    NmlUpColor(color.LightSeaGreen), NmlDnColor(color.LightSalmon) ,
variables: oBullishEngulfing( 0 ) , oBearishEngulfing( 0 ) , oBullishHarami(0) , oBearishHarami(0), barColor(blue) ;

Value1 = C_BullEng_BearEng( Length, oBullishEngulfing, oBearishEngulfing ) ;
Value2 = C_BullHar_BearHar( Length, oBullishHarami, oBearishHarami ) ;

    if oBullishEngulfing = 1 then barColor = OutUpColor  
    else if oBullishHarami = 1 then barColor = InUpColor   
    else if oBearishEngulfing = 1 then barColor = OutDnColor  
    else if oBearishHarami = 1 then barColor = InDnColor   
    else if Close > Open then barColor = NmlUpColor  
    else if Close < Open then barColor = NmlDnColor  ;

    PlotPaintBar( High, Low, "InsOuts", barColor ) ;

Category TradeStation (hidden) 
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Details: InBarsOut v1
Category: TradeStation (hidden) 

November 25th, 2011
Size: 18.96 KB
Downloaded: 308 times

Keywords: bars inside outside


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