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TradeStation (hidden) [Closed]
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An indi for TradeStation designed to show high-volume bars
without having to devote a separate pane to an indi. It
marks them with the character in the variable vChar - "o" in
the picture.
It simply plots an ma of volume and marks bars which exceed
it by the value in the variable vadjust.
The bottom pane in the picture, which is a different but
similar indi, shows the principle.
Why the longest volume bar in that pane is not signalled by
VolVsRange I don't know - unless it's off the chart.

The code (let me know if there are errors in it - it was one
of my first tries) :

{ Indicator } 

UpColor(Black) , DnColor(Red) , vAvg.length(9) , vadjust(1.8) , VolAlert(false) , vChar("o"), offset(0.5) ; 

vol(0) , avgv (0) , volvlen(0) , barlength(0) ;

If BarType >= 2 then vol = Volume else vol = Ticks;    

vol = volume ;
barlength = H - L ;
if vol > 0 and barlength > 0 then 
   volvlen = vol / barlength 
   volvlen = 0 ;

avgv = averageFc(volvlen, vAvg.length) ;

if volvlen > avgv * vadjust and O[1] > C[1] then 
    Value1 = Text_New(D,T, Low - Range * offset, vChar );        // down bar 
    Value2 = Text_SetColor(Value1,UpColor);
    If VolAlert = True then 
      Alert("VolvLen down ");

if volvlen > avgv * vadjust and C[1] >= O[1] then 
    Value1 = Text_New(D,T, High + Range * offset, vChar ) ;     //up bar 
    Value2 = Text_SetColor(Value1,UpColor);
    If VolAlert = True then 
        Alert("VolvLen up ");

Category TradeStation (hidden) 
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Details: VolVsRange
Category: TradeStation (hidden) 

November 25th, 2011
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