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DoubleZero, customizable indicator showing '00 lines (for MultiCharts) - v1
This indicator for MultiCharts displays '00 lines.

- The '00 is customizable through the "MultiplesOf" parameter. The prices of the '00 lines are actually multiple of this parameter. For instance, if you want to draw all levels as 1350 (for ES), choose MultiplesOf = 10. If you want to draw all levels as 1.3200 (for EUR.USD), choose MultiplesOf = 0.01.
- All '00 lines are shown from two '00 levels above the highest candle of the whole chart down to two '00 levels below the lowest candle of the whole chart. So the relevant '00 levels are always available when you scroll the chart to the left or to the right.
- The lines change color when they are above and below the candles (switch between potential support and resistance).
- The lines have the politeness not to "cross" the candles, for a better display.

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Details: DoubleZero, customizable indicator showing '00 lines (for MultiCharts) - v1
Category: The Elite Circle 

February 10th, 2012
Size: 27.31 KB
Downloaded: 78 times


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