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The Elite Circle
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PermaCode Bar Numbering
Finally sorted out the bar numbering to be a bit more useful than the plain old "DrawText()" on every bar update.

Set parameters for:
  • text font & color
  • number of pixels off-set from the bar (above or below)
  • turn them on or off quickly with click on toolbar
  • start numbers at a given number e.g. 0, 1 or 5 or any number (useful to set it to 0 when debugging script so that it displays the CurrentBar value)
  • how many bars between labels
  • when to increment bar number (good for syncing bar numbering on different time-frame charts, e.g. set it to every 3 bars on the 1min chart and normal every bar on the 3min chart, so their numbers are the same)
  • count resets at start of every session or not
  • displays bar number in the data box

This is version 1 and there probably won't be any more versions.

If it causes problems, send me a private message - don't put the message in the comments on this file download because it doesn't notify me. Thanks.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: PermaCode Bar Numbering
Category: The Elite Circle 

March 25th, 2013
Size: 3.06 KB
Downloaded: 244 times


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