This is a real-time indicator that fits buying and selling values into a single bar.
Buying volume at and above the ask is displayed on the top portion of the bar (green), and selling
volume at and below the bid is displayed on the bottom portion of the bar (red). Volumes in between
the ask and bid are displayed in between the buying and selling portion of the bar (gray).
Please let me know if you notice any glitches. From what I observed, not all of the indicator's total
volume values matched the values from Ninjatrader's default volume indicator. Check the data box
for accuracy.
I contacted the programmer back about these issues. He tested it again, and stated that it worked
fine from his end. So I'm assuming it's a data feed issue. I contacted the NT support forum, and sent
them my log and trace files. They didn't find anything problematic either. In the meantime, I'm going
to have this indicator tested by another programmer for a second opinion. If the programmer does find
any errors, I'll have it updated and post it here as a revision.
Category The Elite Circle