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The Elite Circle
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Mouse Risk Reward Lines 5 *
Shift + L.Mouse Click above/below bar , originates stop loss line with point value and dollar value, 1st target @ 1:1 RR with point and dollar value and 2nd target @ 2:1 RR with point and dollar Value.
cnt + L.Mouse Click removes lines.

You can choose the total number of contracts, the contracts for the first target and the remaining (you have to input manually) for the second target. You also have the ability to input your broker commissions so the dollar amount you see is the final end result.

Mouse Risk Reward Lines V1

Note: I only trader ES, and I made it to work for ES and MES. I don't know how and if it works on other instrument, but I am sure tweaking a little bit the code you will make it work.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: Mouse Risk Reward Lines
Category: The Elite Circle 

November 13th, 2022
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Downloaded: 397 times


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