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NinjaTrader Market Replay Data
Market Replay data files for NinjaTrader

Market Replay CL 02-23 (NT8) - 1 of 2
NT 8 Market Replay data for CL

Contract: CL 02-23 - Multipart download ( why are these in chunks?)

Download and extract instructions:

Note this is a multi-part download.
  • You will need to download all parts before extraction.
  • Dowload and unzip all files in NT 8 replay folder Documents\NinjaTrader 8\db\replay
  • Once an individual part has been downloaded it needs to be renamed according to the number in its sequence
  • For example, if you are downloading CL 08-21 part 2 of 3, once that file has finished downloaded, you need to rename it into "CL 08-21.7z.002"
  • Once all files have been downloaded and renamed, right-click on the first one and select "extract here"
  • Make sure to use the "Extract here" function as shown, and not the "Extract to" function, to avoid the creation of a folder within a folder
  • The archive will create a folder with the relevant front month and a series of .nrd files inside (one per day)

Note 1: the archive contains only the dates with the most volume for this contract, meaning, this is data relevant only to when the contract becomes the front month.

Note 2: 7zip is required to extract the replay files. It is a free download available at

If you are not too familiar with Windows file extensions and your Windows settings, make sure to check this thread out:

Category NinjaTrader Market Replay Data 
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Details: Market Replay CL 02-23 (NT8) - 1 of 2
Category: NinjaTrader Market Replay Data 

January 19th, 2023
Size: 99.00 MB
Downloaded: 44 times


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