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SwingTemp w BarCount NT8
The SwingTemp_w_BarCount indicator shows trend lines filtering out changes below a defined level.
public class SwingTemp_w_BarCount : Indicator

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: SwingTemp w BarCount NT8
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

December 20th, 2024
Size: 5.15 KB
Downloaded: 81 times

Keywords: nt8 swingtemp
Updated version of Toggle Trades 1.2 5 *
Hi everyone,

After silently getting a lot of value from this forum, I thought I'd better start giving back some.

I am new to NT8 programming and started by modifying the ToggleTrades indicator found here, hoping to improve it.
It's a nice little helper button that can quickly let you toggle between seeing/hiding your executions on a chart, without going inside the settings.

Key changes for version 1.2:
- fixed a bug (more of a missing feature, really), where the indicator, if added to one tab, would show on all the tabs but only work on the original tab. Now it'll only show on the tab where you added it
- added the "Markers" option, so now it'll cycle between all 3 possible modes, "No Markers", "Markers", "Markers&Text"
- added a parameter to decide if you want to see the icon or a button
- added parameters to customise the text you see inside the button for each mode (visible text reflects current mode)
- new icon with red/green colours

Nothing fancy here, you just import it like any regular NT8 indicator.
One additional step: you have to copy the PNG file to your NinjaTrader folder, usually in Documents/NinjaTrader8/, after extracting it from the archive

To do: I am not sure I'll ever get to it, but I'd like to:
- be able to mix both modes: show the icon inside the button with text next to it
- be able to tweak the colours for the button
- find a way to embed the icon inside the code so one doesn't have to manually copy it to a separate folder

Suggestions are welcome!

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: Updated version of Toggle Trades 1.2
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

July 22nd, 2023
Size: 3.97 KB
Downloaded: 260 times

Keywords: helper ninjatrader8 nt8 toggle
d9 Particle Oscillator NT8 5 *

Hello, This one is a conversion from the d9 particle oscillator for NT7 posted in elite section in2009.
I did not see the NT8 version here so am uploading the NT8 version I converted.

Please see the description of this indicator by original author here

There were 2 library files in original NT7 version , now in NT8 version there is a single file and the smoothing function of the prediction line is based on a windows graphics function and not on a mathematical formula which I have omitted from NT7. Otherwise theNT8 version looks same as NT7.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: d9 Particle Oscillator NT8
Category: The Elite Circle 

April 3rd, 2022
Size: 6.11 KB
Downloaded: 1004 times

Keywords: d9 nt8 oscillator particle
Trend Magic [NT8] 5 *
The Trend Magic indicator is an ATR-based trend line that uses CCI to control its upward and downward movement. It was once a popular indicator in the Forex trading world. When the CCI is greater than zero the line is only able to move upwards, and conversely, when the CCI is less than or equal to zero the line is only able to move downwards.

By default the line is colored based on the last direction it has moved. Enabling the CCI color mode will color the line based on if the CCI value is above or below zero.

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: Trend Magic [NT8]
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

March 17th, 2022
Size: 6.23 KB
Downloaded: 1239 times

Keywords: atr nt8 trendmagic
AlMaCrossers Indicator (MACD and SMAs) 5 *
Hello there,

The AlMaCrossers indicator is my first attempt to build a trading bot. The logic still not finished but the indicator will signal potential entries and exits (I using it on micros and e-mini futures) that one has to assess before taking the real trade.

The indicator takes into account two other indicator types: MACD and SMA.

SMAs are 4, 8, and 15.

The algorithm will (each tick):
1. evaluate if the 4EMA has crossover the 15
2. evaluate if the MACD crossed over the signal
3. evaluate if the MACD histogram is greater than the value (parameter) specified by the user. I made this one flexible because the values vary depending on the instrument.
4. evaluate the steepness of the 4EMA which should be greater than the specified by the user.

I'm working on some other dynamic values to improve accuracy on entries and exists.

- The indicator won't generate another signal (Long nor short) until the current position is closed!
- The entry (and exit) price s plotted along with a small green (red for shorts) triangle.
- The Exit signal will plot the PnL of the trade.

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: AlMaCrossers Indicator (MACD and SMAs)
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

April 24th, 2021
Size: 9.49 KB
Downloaded: 1171 times

Keywords: crossover indicator macd nt8 sma strategy
VisSMA 5 *
While still waiting for Fat_Tails Visual MTF MA I have tweaked some other indicators and was able to get it working in other timeframes.
I am using Vis... description - let's reserve the Visual name for original.

Here it is SMA MTF for NT8 again - plus it was exported as not assembled file.
I think it is easier to get into the code if one wants to change anything.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: VisSMA
Category: The Elite Circle 

February 28th, 2021
Size: 3.33 KB
Downloaded: 158 times

Keywords: mtf nt8 sma_mtf visula
VisLinReg 5 *
While still waiting for Fat_Tails Visual MTF MA I have tweaked some other indicators and was able to get it working in other timeframes.
I am using Vis... description - let's reserve the Visual name for original.

Here it is LinReg MTF for NT8 again - plus it was exported as not assembled file.
I think it is easier to get into the code if one wants to change anything.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: VisLinReg
Category: The Elite Circle 

February 28th, 2021
Size: 4.83 KB
Downloaded: 154 times

Keywords: mtf nt8 visual linreg_mtf
While still waiting for Fat_Tails Visual MTF MA I have tweaked some other indicators and was able to get it working in other timeframes.
I am using Vis... description - let's reserve the Visual name for original.

Here it is HMA MTF for NT8 again - plus it was exported as not assembled file.
I think it is easier to get into the code if one wants to change anything.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: VisHMA
Category: The Elite Circle 

February 28th, 2021
Size: 4.91 KB
Downloaded: 126 times

Keywords: mtf nt8 visual hma_mtf
While still waiting for Fat_Tails Visual MTF MA I have tweaked some other indicators and was able to get it working in other timeframes.
I am using Vis... description - let's reserve the Visual name for original.

Here it is DEMA MTF for NT8 again with minor cleaning up in the code - plus it was exported as not assembled file.
I think it is easier to get into the code if one wants to change anything.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: VisDEMA
Category: The Elite Circle 

February 28th, 2021
Size: 4.47 KB
Downloaded: 86 times

Keywords: dema mtf nt8 visual
BidAskSpread 5 *
Converted this indicator from NT7 to NT8. Displays the live spread updates in corner and draws dots on bars of the bid and ask. Its works on ticks, on live data only, on forex and futures only. Bring the good karma!

Category NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 
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Details: BidAskSpread
Category: NinjaTrader 8 Indicators and More 

February 25th, 2017
Size: 2.28 KB
Downloaded: 543 times

Keywords: ask bid nt8 spread


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