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i want to build a signal that it buy when the current bar start counting the numbers of previose bars and if it higher then it will buy and same when it sale to close.
i think its easey but i have no idea how to do it.
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Are you saying that if you define your entry criteria as 8, then if the last 8 bars are up bars then it will buy at the open of the ninth bar? To let you know, I have analyzed the crap out of bar data and can tell you that over time there is a 50% chance that the next bar will be an up bar and a 50% chance it will be a down bar, regardless of how many of the previous bars were consecutively up or down, i.e. the probabilities are always the same as flipping a coin. To account for the overall change in price, there is a very small differential in the percentages and/or average size of the bars, but nothing that can be readily exploited after consideration of slippage and commissions.
That said, you can create this easily using the strategy wizard, just add a condition that Close > Open 1 bar ago, then add another condition for 2 bars ago, etc.
i know that its 50% win or loose but i just want to create an aidea in my head so if any one can just write it for me or just give some notes that will be nice
Thanks to eDanny for helping solve the placement of text in both panels. I tried to use solutions he posted in another thread and couldn't get it fixed so I resorted to asking the master for help and he was more than willing to do so. Just another …