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Can you recall any good movie quotes that apply especially well to the world of trading?
I'm reminded of a great quote from the movie " Twelve O'Clock High" with Gregory Peck, where he plays an officer assigned to turn around a fighter squadron that has had a "string of bad luck" recently.
This is how he introduces himself to his new crew:
"I've been sent here to take over what has come to be known as a hard luck group. Well, I don't believe in hard luck. So we're going to find out what the trouble is. Maybe part of it's your flying, so we're going back to fundamentals. But I can tell you now one reason I think you've been having hard luck. I saw it in your faces last night. I can see it there now. You've been looking at a lot of air lately... and you think you ought to have a rest. In short, you're sorry for yourselves. I don't have a lot of patience with this, "What are we fighting for?" stuff. We're in a war, a shooting war. We've got to fight. And some of us have got to die. I'm not trying to tell you not to be afraid. Fear is normal. But stop worrying about it and about yourselves. Stop making plans. Forget about going home. Consider yourselves already dead. Once you accept that idea, it won't be so tough. Now if any man here can't buy that... if he rates himself as something special, with a special kind of hide to be saved... he'd better make up his mind about it right now. Because I don't want him in this group."
The whole notion of "Consider yourselves already dead" just blew me away - what if, as a trader, you considered yourself already broke - no money, no ego, no reputation - so you had nothing to lose by taking more (acceptable) risk? To me, it's oddly liberating.
If anyone else has any good movie quotes that relate, either directly or indirectly, to trading, I'd love to see 'em.
President of Exchange: [Randolph Duke has just collapsed with shock] Mortimer, your brother is not well. We better call an ambulance.
Mortimer Duke: _uck him! Now, you listen to me! I want trading reopened right now. Get those brokers back in here! Turn those machines back on!
[shouts - it echoes pathetically throughout the trading hall]
Mortimer Duke: Turn those machines back on!
"Successful trading is one long journey, not a destination" Peter Borish Former Head of Research for Paul Tudor Jones speaking on conversations with John F. Carter
My favorite quote is one that I'll never forget -
Gordon Gekko in the original Wall Street- "don't get emotional about stock, it clouds your judgement"...
Hmmm...I think you found something useful there FT.....is control only gained when we give it up completely?....surrender is necessary to begin looking for victory....the market needs to beat the stubbornness, the ego, the shortsightedness, the arrogance out of me....before she will let me see the road....."
The difference between confidence and an amateur's arrogance is time and a presence of many many scars.....
This is not a trading movie, but many of the messages apply. This is a documentary about an 85 year old sushi chef in Japan. He has a 10 seat Sushi Bar and the reservations are a month or more in advance. Why do I suggest this movie? Jiro talks about making sushi like any high level performing professional. He speaks of his craft and how he is always striving to improve. He talks about being consistent and repeating things over and over. I found myself saying "that applies to trading" a number of times. I'm also a big sushi fan if it's good, so I enjoyed it on that level as well.