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If anyone else would like to post a picture of their set up, I would be interested.
My set up at work (attached) is not for trading per se. 1 screen handles Bloomberg only. Next screen is where all the work happens: excel, ticketing, etc. The vertical screen is for email, reading landscape documents, and most browsing.
I have 4 HP 12Cs: 1 at my work desk, 1 in my bag, 1 by at on my night stand for those calculations that keep you up at night. Last one is a spare.
I am really astonished that most of the monitor setups are completely ignoring basic ergonomic requirements.
The distance between the monitors and the eye should be somewhere between 20'' and 40''. The distance also depends on the size of the monitors. In case that you use 24'' monitors, the recommended minimum distance is 30".
For the setups above I cannot see, how you can work with your PC and at the same time maintain that distance. The distance from the edge of the table to the panels of the screen should be at least 20''.
The most relaxing position for the head is to look downward at an angle between 20° and 30°. If you use two rows of monitors make sure that you have the main stuff displayed on the lower row and only occasionally watch the upper displays.
@Big Mike, @bijeremiad: With the way you have set up your monitors you are going to kill yourselves.