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I am using a trailing dollar stop loss by following exponential moving average. I have modified trailing stop loss so that I can set stop loss to the ema value at the end of each bar. So only if the price hits the ema value the position is exited.
However, I noticed that the stop loss is being hit even when the ema is still far away from the lowest point. Is there an error in the way I have coded this?
But are you sure that Amount as defined in your code is expressed in $?
For sure, it is expressed in price (I mean: the price displayed on the screen).
But, except for equities (?), this is not $.
In order to obtain $, you have to multiply it with the value of a full point in $.
First, I do not pretend that my answer closes the issue. There may be other problems in your code. I am not in position to review it. Read carefully the comments made by other NexusFi (formerly BMT) members.
To implement my suggestion, just multiply Amount by the value of a full point in $.
You should know it for the instruments you trade.
Otherwise, you can use BigPointValue.
But I think it requires this field to be correctly input in QuoteManager (to be checked).