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Does any one actually day trade the Bund (10 year)? I have been trading it for a year and a half now and there seems to be a massive lack of internet interest in discussing day trading the contract, which is strange given it is one of the most widely traded fixed income futures!!
Jeff Quinto piqued my interest in the Bund. I like day trading it, seems to respond at key fib levels and offers retracement entry set-ups. That said, I'm a novice to intermediate day trader and would very much like to swap strategies and observations Isildur1. Thanks for starting the thread.
I have been updating my Journal on day trading the Bund. Was about to go live next week but found out last night that I have a lot to learn. Was on a good run for a week averaging about 8-10 ticks a day with my limited trading skills. Though got wiped out yesterday.
John Grady from No BS Daytrading seems to advocate trading the Bund if you want to check out his site. He mainly trades US Treasuries but switches to the Bund / Bobl/ Schatz when more opportunity.
I still think despite yesterday, that there is a lot of potential for the Bund. Though I certainly needed a different strategy yesterday which was a strong down trend day. Going to pull it apart today and see how I should have played it.
But yes - lets talk about Bund! I trade it with Jigsaw. Am thinking we might be able to categorize days similar to the Jigsaw team for ES.
Day Trading Days
Strong Trend Days caused by larger time frame players
Nothing Days
So far I have seen about 6/10 good scalping days
3/10 slow as days
1 day strong trending
i have recently started looking @ the Bund based on strategies of No BS... If u had 1 hard days trading but are avenging 8-10Ticks p.d thats great trading
To determine support/resistance areas I use a Volume Profile base upon moving 5-days periods. The last few days I have been a bit baffled because the POC for these 5-day VPs was exactly the same, exact to the tick.