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Outside of trading, what do you enjoy spending the most time on?

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  #1 (permalink)
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Outside of trading, what do you enjoy spending the most time on?

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Outside of trading, what do you enjoy spending the most time on?

Total votes: 168

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  #2 (permalink)
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I am curious about the poll results, we seem to have a lot of aviators here on the forum


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  #3 (permalink)
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Picked sports because i golf when I have free time to do so but fishing is a close second. I also have another job but would not say I do that for enjoyment. While I do enjoy family time it is good for both me and them that I get out once and a while.

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  #4 (permalink)
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I picked "Sports/Gym/Fitness," which is currently #2 behind "Friends and Family."

My thought as I did that was that we're a solitary bunch -- "Friends and Family" is obviously other-directed (and, in my opinion, totally a Good Thing, and it is #1), but most of the rest of them are pretty much self-oriented, including mine.

I don't know if there is a connection here to trading, or to a trading life-style, or if it's really just me.... But I'm not the only one who didn't pick Friends and Family....


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  #5 (permalink)
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hmmm, there is life outside of trading? Interesting. Ill have to look into that.

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  #6 (permalink)
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Precision rifle competitions, photography - terrestrial and astro, travel and sex

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  #7 (permalink)
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1. gym. bjj, weights and running. surfing and swimming.
2. family of course that could be top of the list too.
3. reading. I enjoy a lot of reading. I'm really trying to purge a ton of books at the moment. 3book cases worth. Pairing down everything. Depth vs Breadth. I want to get a kindle fire, aside from the kindle on my droid.

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  #8 (permalink)
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I'm just a sim PC "pilot"/gamer and too old to start a career in aviation as a commercial pilot as endless approved hours of good precise flight history is needed. They keep saying there is an airline shortage of pilots but the competition seems to be fierce and the compensation much diminished. Costs are heavy to get training to the minimum commercial multi-engine license. $60k+ maybe. fan site: AVSIM Online! A lot can be learned from the simming products out there. Example. ; And other life outside of trading with pets (cats).

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  #9 (permalink)
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I enjoy sport/gym/fitness the most outside of trading. Recently started exercising again, and I had forgotten how much better I felt throughout the day when physically active. Also, nothing beats a day at The Swamp watching The Gators play

However, I value time spent with family and friends the most. Might not "enjoy" it much, but family/friends will always be the most important part of my life, and I spend most of my weekend time with them.

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