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I'm trying to gauge the interest of people in executing strategies in an industrial environment for Interactive Brokers, or if they are aware of anyone who provides this service. The idea would be similar to Forex.com's hosted EAs, but for Interactive Brokers.
Here are some ideas:
1. Leased Line to Interactive Brokers (that's a direct line right into the IB data center in Greenwich)
2. Simple strategy definition language, maybe XML, etc, with available pre-defined indicators, or possibly generating custom indicators
3. Secure, backed-up server farm, with 24/7 trading ability (as long as IB is open), back up power and servers.
4. Direct execution on IB's data farm using a FIX engine/interace, no middleware like Ninja Trader.
If you are interested in utilizing something like this, or know of some company who is offering it, please let me know. If this isn't available anywhere, I'm thinking about doing a startup that provides these services. If you are interested in participating in that, also let me know.
I haven't worked out any details until I gather if people are interested. The cost will really depend on the level of interest. If there are 1000 people willing to sign up, then it would be much lower than if it is only 1 person. :-)
Just few comments:
1. the cost of dedicated line is quite high, compare with what you can have with a dedicated server or a VM correctly located, which will have a 1 or 2 ms latency to IB servers. At least for futures instruments, IB is quite slow compared its competitors, it should be better to use a broker with a good data feed and good execution engine.
2. why reinvent the wheel ? You may find some open-source (R ?) to do that, but starting from zero will require a huge amount of work.
3. see 1., if you're looking for speed, forget about IB !
Sorry for being so pessimistic, but this is something not so far from what I tried few years ago, IB with Java/Perl/R addons. Interesting on an intellectual point of view, but finally a lot of time spent for a poor result.
Thanks for the feedback. I agree some stuff out there is usable, and that probably wouldn't be built from scratch. The idea is to remove as much middle-ware as possible to improve stability and execution time. I'm currently using IB for Forex, which seems pretty good. Do you have some recommended brokers I should look into for better execution? I'm always looking for the best execution time and price!