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They were introduced in February. As Ultra (UB) has a higher volatility than standard 30 year treasury bonds, they should be more suitable for short term trading, as they produce larger swings.
tested waters a little, they were pretty good recevied by the trading comm, I like ZB and Bunds, too (as long as you keep your report numbers tidied up) but I guess with higher volume to come swings will likely fall, for now let's keep an eye...
I'd like to spark some interest in trading the UB.
This thread was started a long time ago but I think the UB market is a good one that moves a fair amount and holds promise for both swing and intraday trading.
I've started dusting off my old Jigsaw Trading membership and will be taking a look at this market.
I trade UB pretty much exclusively myself. Learned a lot from John Grady's content and interviews, and actually got to interview him just this last week for my YouTube channel. Great guy, still trading treasuries himself.
None the less, lots of opportunity in the treasuries in general imo.
I don't know that I can share links, but if you search for Canadian Futures Trader on Youtube, I'm putting the John Grady interview up on Thursday 07/28/22.