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I apologize in advance. This is a basic question. I am looking to add Ten Year (ZN) Note futures prices to a spreadsheet and am not sure how to proceed. the ZN contract is priced different then what I am used to. In example, it changes round numbers after 300, right. Wont all the numbers be skewed?
Any advice? or source?
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Price quotation is in points ($1,000) and halves of 1/32 of a point, minimum price fluctuation
one-half of one thirty-second (1/32) of one point ($15.625, rounded to the nearest cent per contract).
Trading: Primarily Energy but also a little Equities, Fixed Income, Metals, U308 and Crypto.
Frequency: Many times daily
Duration: Never
Posts: 5,087 since Dec 2013
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I believe that you will find today's settle 129'095 is equivalent to 129 & 9.5/32nds (which is of course equal to 129 & 19/64ths) which is equal to 129.296875 in decimal.
Trading: The one I'm creating in the present....Index Futures mini/micro, ZF
Posts: 2,311 since Nov 2011
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A dear friend got me started a few years ago and I add a lot to this to include ZN ZB and ZF. Here you go... You can check out the formulas to understand what it is doing.
...My calamity is My providence, outwardly it is fire and vengeance, but inwardly it is light and mercy...
The steed of this Valley is pain; and if there be no pain this journey will never end.
Buy Low And Sell High (read left to right or right to left....lol)
Throwing out an example of what I do in my sheet for ZN. Probably not the slickest way, but it works.
My lookup list for ZN has:
$/Tick of $15.625 Tick Size =5/320 (formula results in 0.015625)
Any time I log a ZN price into a cell, I type as a formula like: =129+60/320 (formula results in 129.1875)
With this setup, it works like any other instrument in my sheet. If you want to get the number of ticks between two prices, take the difference of the prices and divide by the tick size value. If you want the $ amount, multiply that number of ticks by the $/Tick value.
I watch 5 minute charts... I do scale down from 30 minute for Swing High/Lows and low volume zones.
Also, I have been looking at Point and Figure charts (1000 tick 3 reversal, 5 reversal) for battle points