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That's great. Care to share your results? So many people claim to consistently make 200 ticks per month but none want to show it. Will you be the first?
How do you want me to share it?
I don't really have an efficient means of keeping track other than my Excel sheets.
If you want assurance that one can make a living trading, read the Market Wizards books. I wish I had never executed a trade prior to reading those books. I don't think anyone should trade without reading those books.
Great books. Read them. But like a professional golfer, basketball player, etc. there are score cards and stats. In fact, they play in front of a live audience. There is proof that they can perform. Is there anyone out there willing to show that they can make 200+ ticks per month consistently?
Best way to show is broker statements. Excel isn't reliable and can be made up.