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I have a groupchat set up via Facebook messenger with a few people, anyone want to join? Constant evaluation of ZB ZN UB ES. Let me know if something like this exists as well for free or pm me
This link doesn't work. You need to create a proper invite link. Here's a link for an empty room I made: Make sure you make the link have no time expiration on it.
I think some prefer anonymity. Plus is it has voice chat built into it. I think most bond traders are too focused on watching the DOM to want to type. It's the perfect platform for traders in my opinion. It's also pretty easy to join as well. Click the link and it will guide you through setting it up. How about just joining the one I created for now since I'm fairly familiar with how to run it. Join now and then I'll be in there to chat in the morning when the market opens Monday.