Isla Mujeres, MX
Market Wizard
Experience: Advanced
Platform: NinjaTrader
Broker: Ninjatrader / Optimus Futures / AmpFutures
Trading: ES / 6E / 6B / CL
Frequency: Every few days
Duration: Minutes
Posts: 1,651 since Aug 2009
Thanks Given: 11,460
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Maybe someone else will respond with a better answer to this but unless you pay for the information you will need to rely on news feeds to get the information earlier.
MarketWatch usually reports this information on their website.
Notice it came out just before 10am.
Also, Thompson Reuters is the data provider by subscription.
Rejoice in the Thunderstorms of Life . . .
Knowing it's not about Clouds or Wind. . .
But Learning to Dance in the Rain ! ! ! 