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Pre-official release API (/CL = crude) report?

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  #1 (permalink)
Dayton, Ohio
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In about a half hour the API report on crude oil will be released, as it is every Tuesday @ 4:30PM EST (except when Monday is a holiday, then it's 4:30 EST Wednesday).

I've noticed more than once, however, that at 10AM on the release day oil has either dropped or risen sharply, as it did again today.

Is there some sort of non-public release of the report at 10AM EST?

Thank you.

Here is the release schedule:

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  #3 (permalink)
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Maybe someone else will respond with a better answer to this but unless you pay for the information you will need to rely on news feeds to get the information earlier.

MarketWatch usually reports this information on their website.

Notice it came out just before 10am.
Also, Thompson Reuters is the data provider by subscription.

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  #4 (permalink)
Dayton, Ohio
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DavidHP View Post
Maybe someone else will respond with a better answer to this but unless you pay for the information you will need to rely on news feeds to get the information earlier.

MarketWatch usually reports this information on their website.

Notice it came out just before 10am.
Also, Thompson Reuters is the data provider by subscription.

Exceedingly interesting, and just as I suspected. THANK YOU!

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Last Updated on November 21, 2017

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